
Comments of chapter undefined of An Unscrupulous system, Teaching Scum to be Loyal Husbands

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I sincerely love the start. These kinds of novels are my absolute favorite especially when the female lead catches on quick against a scrupulous system. There were a few misplaced punctuation, but the grammar here is absolutely superb. would like to note that the start feels very well, but i feel as if a lot more description could be added regarding the female lead's expression, and thoughts.However, their actions reflect this well enough creating a vivid effect. Though, adding a few details wouldn't be so bad. It's a little confusing in the part of her death, what happened, and how some part of her reasoning isn't explained further. i suppose you might be trying for a third person, omniscient?


This sounds a bit like a game, almost. It's a great start! I am completely confused, but I'm guessing that will clear up soon enough.


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