
Comments of chapter undefined of (BL) Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System!

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plus, Bai Yunyu choose to forget his past he is also running away. both needs therapy as this point

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At some point this has to get better…right now it’ so disturbing that I have to skip chapters.

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(ರ_ರ) I think I just lost a half of my soul in this chapter. I'm speechless. Y'all.. I'll just reread the fun chapters and wait.. and wait.. and wait.

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i starting have the urge to wait until it's finished, i cant take it ... my heart (ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻

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Let me just punch Han Ye in the face for a bit. I swear I won't kill him... yet. (seriously though it was so uncomfortable to read. pupa really is good at making us quesy.)

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this is by anymean awful. i hate to see yunyu getting through this for such a long time. hope it would get better faster

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This is super demoralising honestly. Han yu just -100 a character I would rather see him dead. A man with no empthatic towards other. it's all an act. such psychopathic behaviour. now, I'm not a psychologist nor Psychiatrist but what I do know. this is not right and it's abnormal. like yeah, I tried to understand where Han yu is coming from. Such as experience in heart break, betrayal, abandonment, angry, sadness, etc. however, this is not an excuse for revenge. I mean, yes...life is uncommonly unjustified, unfair. we life in a society in reality. Our laws doesn't help us nor save us. many will still break laws etc. plus, the good and evil is a grey area. Han yu, idk what you been through. but seriously get help. this is not healthy. literally, Many I mean MANY suffers and experience even harsher conditions...This is really, needs a trigger warning..just in case this may trigger severally for those to experience or go through toxic and abuse relationship. I feel like, Han yu is beyond understanding, his personality just doesn't give room for ppl to like him. super demoralising. Revenge? for what? what you gain afterwards? money? -clearly you have tons. sense of accomplishment? -clearly you have already. pride? -I Don't see a point. what to show the world you are god of good, and show to ppl just how evil one man is? honestly, It's unfair to me and plus it's a waste of time, to punish someone who doesn't even know nor understanding nor learn WHY they are punish for. honestly...sigh.. but man it's useless to seek revenge on these type of ppl.they NEVER learn. you pun them in jail. they will still never learn. they will accuse and blame on everyone. apologies for such a long comment. pupa you are amazing at this book...makes me realize how pitiful Han yu is...💅I'm sure I just laughs at Han yu once he realised that it's too late to mend what he did. Bai Yunyu...I wish we could take his heart out and murder his love for Han yu. "slave at your heart" well yeah, do you also know the quote " I choose my own destiny"- wait...nvm..(ب_ب)


imma gonna @#_$ and @#¥¢% till that \#∆@ han ye gonna $#&/!!! *censored for safety*


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola