
Comments of chapter undefined of Beware His Power: Izuku’s Light


great concept but Izuku isn't strong enough willed to be the MOST worthy green lantern, at the time the ring finds him he's only done 2 things worthy things 1 when he was a kid stoping Bakugo from bullying a kid( we never see him do that again until he get OFA) 2 running head first into danger to save Bakugo both are amazing shows of will but what happened in-between those times, nothing but him getting pushed around and bullied he never tried to self improve to make his dream come true until allmight trains him for One for all if allmight never stepped in Izuku wouldn't have done anything twords being a hero


Poisoned knife? Why? Thats blatantly giving him an advantage. Izuku is faster and stronger even in 5%. Only reason Stain was sk strong was because his style was made for narrow alleyways. put him in an open field he loses

Zero_Speed:ok so give Stain poisoned knifes and even without his quirk the fight would end the same

I just can't think that Izuku is worthy of a ring, and even if it was, I don't believe he would receive it simply because he had more worthy ones, before canon and All Might he was just a boy with dreams and hope but he didn't show that really had the willpower to be better, especially when we see his relationship with Bakugou.


this is so cool don't call comments saying he doesn't deserve he really deserves izuku is very brave and has a lot of willpower no one without willpower can blow his arms to save someone.


I never liked izuku. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have will because oh boy he does. As annoying as he was in the anime with his rambling he 100% has willpower. I mean I personally wouldn't blow away parts of my body to save a total stranger. So people who say he doesn't have the requiremens to be a lantern are stupid. If Hal got chosen as a lantern then that means Izuku can too. The requirement is willpower afterall, not the person being someone you like.


This is GOOD. In regards to the ring choosing the next lanterns and Midoriya is so called not worthy. Remember that in earth in DC there are alot more people worthy of the rings than the main DC lanterns. They are chosen by the AUTHORS. Also most of the time the ring chooses men and women that at first failed or has their wills challenged. Like a certain boy who was outright told he can't be a hero (super) by his Idol. Anyways nice arguments people.


makes sense... giving the green brocoli kid a green lantern ring XD

