
Comments of chapter undefined of Naruto: Of Bone and Ice


Tá, mas cadê o naruto?


Finally,can you please do a chapter where you show the reactions of other villages that Fuyona is MizuKage

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I honestly wasn't expecting an update, I just happened upon the update when I was scrolling through the hundred something stories in my reading folder to add to my top twenty list, and this happened to be In it during it's time as the top ten.

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Had me thinking that they were gonna drop it ngl


Do you plan to reform the Mist VIllage? Because I have some ideas on how to help the Mizukage avoid paperwork. It all has to do with the Elders, in most stories the Elders are just advisors to the Kage and nothing more but what if Fuyona was to appoint his own Elders and give the their own responsibilities that are currently his job. The Council of Elders could consist of the following seats Elder of Political Relations/ Mei Terumi Elder of Trade and Commerce/ Kaga Elder of Finances/ Suiren Elder of Mysteries/ Ao Elder of Law/ Ganryu Elder of Education/ Shibata Yuji Elder of Infrastructure/ Kogetsu Oh and the Elder of Mysteries would be the guy who oversees a lot of the advanced research projects, Jutsu development, and is responsible for assassinations and wealth retrieval. Pretty much all the Villages Black Ops. The Anbu are the Villages Special Forces and while they would work closely with the Elder of Mysteries they would not be under his command. The old Elders can be kept on as advisors or given some of the less essential positions like infrastructure and education. Ok now I'm going to explain my reasoning for the various Elders I picked Mei Terumi is an excellent politician and very loyal to Fuyona. The perfect choice for such a essential position in running the internal and external relations of the Village. Plus this job is solely filled by Fuyona at this point and delegating it to someone trustworthy and capable would give him a lot more free time. Kaga is a hard sell, I'll admit that, but he does have several things going for him that makes him suitable for the position of Elder of Trade and Commerce. First is that he is fairly young, which means that while he has little experience in Commerce he would be willing to learn and can always just employ someone who does know to teach him. I'm sure an Island Nation has plenty of traders and merchants to hire as a tutor. Secondly is again his unquestioning loyalty to Kuyona which is a benefit that cannot be understated when Kuyona's reign is still so young. Suiren is a member of the cryptanalysis unit and a requirement of such a position is a strong aptitude for numbers, ensuring putting her in charge of the Village finances won't lead to disaster. While it is true that she isn't very strong as the Elder of Finance she doesn't need to be, as the position would require her to stay in the Village at all times. Just post a ANBU squad for her protection and you'll have a young, capable, and above all loyal, Finance Elder for decades to come ensuring stability. I think Ao getting the position of Elder of Mysteries should be fairly obvious. He is an experienced ANBU operative who is used to standing in the darkness of the Village and has no qualms in any of the dark aspects of the job. Plus in such a position it would ensure better protection for his Byakugan and said eye would certainly come in handy. Ao is also very well respected by the Village and promoting him for his loyalty and integrity would be an excellent PR move. Another benefit is his unbreakable loyalty to the Village and his Kage, because another Danzo is not something the Mist needs right now. The Elder of Law is basically Head Attorney General whose job is to protect the rights of the Mist's Shinobi and Civilians ensuring that another Bloody Mist doesn't happen. This position is a necessity to show the Villagers that the Bloody Mist Era is over and that now Law and Order will have its due place in the Upper Echelon of the Village and that their rights are now defended. Ganryu is the ideal candidate for this since he is an experienced veteran who has the respect of both the ANBU and regular Shinobi for both his leadership, strength, relative fairness, and care for his men. The fact that he doesn't have a reputation for cruelty like Mangetsu is also a large point in his favor. The Education of the Village is absolutely essential and most be under constant watch.


thnx author, loved the chapter....now i just get to wait for the next :(

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Thanks for the chapter. :)

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Yes finally Also is there a discord?

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Thanks for chapter

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thx for the chapter


thanks for the chapter, and welcome autor


I may or may not have forgotten who yagura is


Thank you for the chapter


Welcome back. Thanks for the chapter.


Thanks for the chapter


Que emoción!!!


I hope they destroy the sand and loot the treasures


finally. I thought I will reach enlightenment by the time a chapter dropped 😂😂