
Comments of chapter undefined of Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

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While it suck I will always say to prioritize your health I just hope the novel will not be dropped. Hope you get well.

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I hope you well and a thank you for the chapter!!

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Just go get your rest and sort your stuff out. i understand where you are comming from there, personal matters allways suck to deal with. even when this is the last chapter up until now it was a good ride that i and many others here had with mira. when you return with a new chapter sometime in the futer i will enjoy it, even when you never upload a new one it was a blast. so have a good long rest and leave with peace.

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I don't know what to write. I hope you get better. (I don't know what else to say,... Just don't break yourself. If one door closes another will open. 👀 Stay strong.) ice Empress was and is one of my most favorite stories (at the moment there come only two stories (that have similarities) in mind that come close to it ((nanomancer reborn as snow girl and the Villains Need to Save the World that come to minde) Maby three (creation online (on RroyalRoad) but these one is a in the baby stage)). U also are the author of sword goodess and imortal virgin dad (or something like that). Two other stories I like 😍 and now know why they "stoped." 🙈 U wrote, u started just one a wim. You've outdone yourself. 😅👍I want to say so many more things but there are just not enough words for that. One thing I can say is, it would be a shame if your story dies (but it would even be worse if halve assed), so I fully support u. Do your thing. But I have to say. Even if I have to wait until I'm old and grey. 🪦🤣 I will wait until u can bring these world, u started to crate, to the peak. 🎉🎉🎉


get well soon. i wish all the best for your health.


hey another author i follow did this he was getting overweight and unhealthy in general he also took a break but break etc are needed. its fine but if you want more money maybe do kindle if you can get a good deal if you arent in one with webnovel. anyway hope you get better and come back when you can. hope it all gets better


Take your time, exercise is one of the best ways to help break out of your mental and physical rut. Friends and family are the best for emotional stability and health. Stay safe, stay healthy, and just know that exercise is a marathon and not a sprint. It takes on average about 6 to 9 months of dedicated effort to reap the rewards that exercise brings, not just physically but also mentally, spiritually, as well as emotionally. Pumping iron will make you look good, looking good will make you feel good, and when you feel good you are good. Hopefully, when you're good ya can come back and finish your awesome story ya began. Starting is easy and finishing is tough but it is extremely rewarding, not just for us readers but also for you the author. With great sadness about your condition and with even greater confidence in your recovery I gotta say I'll be hanging from this cliff until ya return. 😘


How long tell next chapter