
Comments of chapter undefined of Unparalleled After Ten Consecutive Draws


I do appreciate the author/translator for releasing these chapters so consistently for so long. This change does strike me as out of character because of this. I have seen something like this happen before (and I hope this isn’t the case). Sometimes authors with privileged chapters will intentionally delay releasing the last few chapters to extend the # of months of purchased privilege and get as much out of the readers while they can before the book ends. The only solution is to just not buy the privilege for the last few months until all the chapters are free or wait until a cheap enough tier is available to finish up the book. That is if they really drag it out.


What an amazing novel. It stood by its principles through to the end and made sure to make the most important battles hard fought. The most important battles are built up to really well and they feel like an actual challenge since he’s defeated so many strong opponents so easily. Even though you know he will win at a certain point, it’s still questionable how he’s going to win. Will he go back in time? Will he use the tribulation? Will he summon all primal gods from past to present? My favorite moments from the novel are definitely when he was still on the fimament empire. The world was employed slowly and in a very direct way and the journey from nothing to decently accomplished cultivator was amazing to read. His kingdom building was unexpected but an incredibly addition to an otherwise straightforward novel. The sword, kingdom, LingLong, Lan Yu, Elder Ruyan and many more acconmapanied him throughout his journey from the very begging and the payoff to see them reach their full potential after so long is incredible. The strongest sword of the sword mountain became the strongest sword of the entire infiniverse. All of the enemies that fell to Chu Kaungrens sword or even his basic techniques should feel honored to be defeated by the only undefeated culticator I the infiniverse. I hope this author makes some more novels, I hope they are translated, and I hope they are as incredible as this. Thank you author for such a great use of my time.


Finally the infinityverse is one, but … is this the last chapter ?


I’m not sure if the author responds to anything comments but doesn’t anyone know if they have other novels and if they are translated?