
Comments of chapter undefined of The Cursed Prince


Not the story for someone who expects a fairytale… like what do you expect?? I have loved this story since the start and have been frustrated and sad with with the characters but also happy and love struck too. If you can’t take the good with the bad then get going. Sorry you had to deal with that 💗💗

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We LOVE your work!!! I am so sorry you received private messages like that. As this book has been such a huge emotional roller coaster for a lot of your readers I feel some of us get so invested with a lot of the characters and that only goes to show what an amazing writer you are. That you can make your readers feel all these things. I haven’t put this story to the side even once since you started it and I’m looking forward to reading it until the very end! And anything else you write!

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I am sorry about people being rude to you. my life is not the greatest at the moment but good or bad or evil or heroic I read this book because it is a thrill it makes me think as well as it makes me forget my problems in my life and I get into the story so much I almost believe the characters are real and I am in that world. I very sorry that people are not seeing you amazing talent and the fact that you are being so generous and sharing it with us. please don't waste your time trying to explain to people who don't appreciate you're amazing super spectacular fantastic talent. You can't please everyone and nor should you try too those that you can't are only a small handful of people just remember YOU HAVE SO MANY MANY MANY MANY MORE WHO LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU TALENT !!!!!!!!AND WILL CONTINUE TO READ AND ENJOY YOUR STORIES . I am one who will forever be grateful for your talent as it has made so many of my dark days bright and will continue to enjoy your working I hope you have many many more success in your books and you continue to write for a very long time ....


uhh I dunno who messaged you that utter nonsense but I want to say I love your story.


We survived Elara’s murder, we will survive this…hopefully

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I will always keep coming back! you are amazing and while i Hate to see Em go through all of this, I understand the method to the madness. To truly know the light, you have to experience some darkness.

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Maybe that particular reader failed to manage her emotions herself. You don’t know how many times i reread the story from chapter 1 and have been dreading to unlock few chapters that i missed whenever i get the chance. Please dont blame me that’s how i got hooked.😄 We love how you brought each characters into life and I’m amazed how you take us on the edge of our seats by each turn of events. So smooth is an understatement. I simply cannot wait, but i have to.😊😆

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I think you have done a fabulous job of writing the thoughts and actions of each character!!! Just like in real life, you have shown for every action-there’s a reaction that affects more than just ourself. I can’t for our happy ending!!!!

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We love your work, author! You are so talented and brilliant! Please ignore the crazies! 🤗💕❤️

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Through the bad times and the good times we your faithful readers have endured it all . We’ve cried, laughed , was hard to breathe and holding our chest thinking we were going to have a heart attack reading your chapters . we are still here to the end. I love and I know your other readers enjoy how you portray the characters and take us through their lives. Thank you ❤️♥️

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I think your awesome so so you not what they want cause you write Beautifully

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Like you or someone else said, you can't really and fully enjoyed the sweet and beautiful moments if you haven't had a hard life before. Yes, Em endured so much troubles within such a short period, but, it's her story! Every moment, both sad and joyful, have built the person she is at the moment and she has grown from it. Yes, it's hard to read these chapters, because you're so talented that we feel her emotions like ours, but without it, there wouldn't be a story to tell. It's so understandable that if we feel uncomfortable about these chapters, you've had a hard time to wrote it. This story, like your others stories, is a part of you, of your heart. I think that a wonderful writer is the one who can put enough emotions in his or her stories, that every reader can fully feel them while reading it...and it's exactly what you're doing with this story! So just thank you so much for all of your hard work and for taking of your free time to share Em and Mars' love story to us! I just know that all the readers who are still here will be reading until the end to support you. Keep writing and don't ever doubt yourself or your talent! I...we believe in you! ❤️

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You have done an amazing job on the entire story! How boring it would be if the bad parts were summerized, the happy parts wouldn’t be nearly as sweet🥰 Keep doing what you do the way you do it, please🖤

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Honestly, I mainly use this app for your book!! I only read one other one but each day I wake up, this one is the update I look for!! please don't be discouraged. I love all the ups and downs and im really not looking forward to this book ending!!

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I think youa fabulous writer and a fabulous person and i completely trust you to tell your stories perfectly and i am literally grateful to the universe to have brought here to you

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Your a great writer and i love your characters development. I laughed so hard I cried, I was so mad at times i cried, I’m so sad I cried and I’m SURE I’m going to cry from happiness too! I’m just a big crybaby 😭😭😭Love you Vina and stay true to YOUR story!

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I am just gonna read in silence!!! Until …..

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Your story is good every chapter is fantastic

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I love how you craft the story...

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I love this book!

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See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza