
Comments of chapter undefined of The Cursed Prince

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gosh.... yeah if your realy true FRIEND, you will suppport him. i guess your not going to do that, because i feel something fishy in you. maybe Lady Preston is the witch who cast the spell.... hahahaha... my wild guess... ja ja jan jan jan... šŸ™ƒ

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salute Mars for his honor... a true Prince indeed!

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Ok. It sucks that heā€™s hiding that he loves her like itā€™s a dirty secret. He told her he loved her a million times now heā€™s displaying it to everyone like itā€™s just an obligation and he doesnā€™t want to marry her. I think itā€™s only fair that Maxim comes along looking for her to get Mars a little jealous now. šŸ˜‰

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Pity that she sounded and looked so desperate there. I'm glad Mars mentioned that he loves her as a sister. That's a very important statement so she should know by then where she stands. Also, it's good that he clarified in front of everyone that he had no idea of Ellena's plan to find the witch and how he felt back then. Been scrolling the comments, I can understand why he didn't mention that him and Emmelyn are in love and to marry. I wouldn't trust that Ellena to be level headed at this point.

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I love that Mars is being mostly honest. He is in an agreement and he has an heir on the way but why didnā€™t he mention that he is already engaged? Did he think a non marraige agreement would soften the regection? I donā€™t trust Ellena at all!! I think she and her aunt will cause problems If they donā€™t get their way. I wonder if she agreed to adopt and heir because she absorbed the curse and canā€™t produce an heir. This could be the reason for the war if Lady Prestonā€™s husband starts to go against the kings out of obligation to defend Ellanaā€™s sacrifice. But, Mars did say that he would have Stopped her from trying to break the curse if he had the option.

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Mars didn't want to say he loved Emelyn because he doesn't want them to target her. he is trying to take a diplomatic approach to prevent any major fallouts. it's fine with me as long as they are togetheršŸ„°

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Lmao, he deserves to be a crown prince. he is so good with wordsšŸ¤£

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i think she's gunna

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Bow out gracefully Miss...doubt it though she is already asking to take the baby...shamefu heathenl!! SHAMEFUL I say!!

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Why do I feel like this Ellena is going to be a evil wenchšŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’

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ok I love Mars so much for defending his agreement with Em but why doesnt he just tell the truth that he and Em are in love with each other. [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

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Yes i like the way Mars honor his words. šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ He stands by his words firmly and will not abandon Emmelyn, so glad! Yeah we know Ellena might have suffered, but who knows? Why did she come back so late? Its all fate you know. Prince Mars, please continue to stay firm this way and protect your beloved Emmelyn at all costs! It seEmed like bad things r coming......

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You Go Mars!!! love these characters!!!

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The way he handled the situation is very clever,as he said that he thought that ellena might have died while trying to find a way for his curse to be lifted and in between he fell in love with em and I am little disappointed with Mars not confessing his love for em infront of them but I guess its pretty reasonable and he was confliting weather to tell them or not as he was afraid that ellena might harm em(as he thought or his assumption that ellena might have changed within these 6years)so he doesn't wanna take any risk right at the moment

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danger alert!!!!! Elena is a catastrophe

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Sheā€™s gonna take Emmelyn out. As far as sheā€™s concerned thatā€™s all thatā€™s keeping her from what she wants. Doesnā€™t matter how kind and eloquent Mars is, sheā€™s gonna go postal.šŸ¤­

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O Mars I love you!!!!


I like how Mars delivered it and how he threads carefully. He do have a lot to consider; Em, their child, kingdom and Ellena's feeling. But I still believe he should let Emmelyn know about this. Ellena might go behind his back and announce their agreement to Em causing her to be off guard and more stress. Considering that the relationship is new. lying by omission isn't really a good start at least if he tells her himself, it would lessen the impact.

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Wow! Impressive! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ That was a really good explanation. Reasonable and valid, and on the spot too. I think Mars did a really good job.šŸ‘ But, unfortunately, this Ellena is not going to give up. No way! So we expect that she will try to harm Emmelyn..šŸ˜”šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜” Hopefully, Mars will take preemptive actions to protect Emmelyn.

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he should have said he also loved her and planned to marry..this still leaves the door open for Ellena

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She is not going to be happy with his decision at all.