
Comments of chapter undefined of Star Eater


It's really interesting what a piece of trash Arthur is. What a tool for telling Alwin, her man, not to touch her Regardless of Arthur's opinion towards him. He is so psychologically scarred that he is everything from a cold-blooded murderer, to a pedantic crybaby, and everything in between.


I'm sorry, I don't want to insult you, but this is one of the stupidest things I've read in awhile. He was ordered out there by Arceana, a person manipulated and poisoned by demon magic. He should never have been out there in the first place, given what we know about the strength of the demons compared to the high elves of Lestrania. It was in no way, shape, or form, his fault. If Arthur were thinking straight he would continue to direct the entirety of his hostility towards Arceana, while feeling exactly 0 negativity towards Alwin for his "failure."

icedog55puck:and what would do to the man that failed to protect them.