
Comments of chapter undefined of Elite Mages' Academy


Wow, that was handled in the most idiotic way possible. "Did you summon that dragon?" The answer should have been "No. I'm wearing a defensive treasure given to me by the dean of my Academy. It activated on it's own when your person attacked me (an innocent bystander and a freshman) with a hostile spell" He could then proceed to say he not only didn't own the Jade so it wasn't his to sell, but the person responsible for reparations was the one who started casting attack spells for no reason. No only that she also insulted him and his academy the moment they arrived. She needs to be dealt with.


If the MC reported things honestly, Bella would be the one in trouble, not him. For such blatant disobedience and disgracing the US colony in front of foreign guests, I would expect her to lose a position in rank and be punished for a long time. Of course, considering how this series suddenly chucked all rational behavior out of the window, I suppose that won't happen.


Hope there are chapters coming that'll show the worth of our MC bc it's time for it 🙄 so far he seems hella dumb after his good impression in the last test... Yeah he might be inexperienced and new to the whole planet and situation there but still the situation there is just odd. How he behaves and how the others behave... It absolutely doesn't fit the image of urgency they had when ASKING HIM FOR HELP. Don't forget that. And now look at how they act towards him and urgency? Can't find it anymore... He's just reduced to a freshman who is where he doesn't seem to belong to...


I legit dont get how everyone is admonishing the guy who was attacked completely unprovoked. The dragon was obviously a defensive measure given by the dean and it was reacting to a threat.


Why was he trying to sell the jade? It doesn't belong to him; it's on loan from the dean, and he was strictly instructed to never take it off. Did he forget what it means to borrow something?


... Idiots, they're all idiots. Author, MC, America, Bella, Song. They attacked him when he is an envoy and guest from another country?? He tried to sell a piece of valuable equipment that has been clearly loaned. Every person here needs to be slapped, Mc included, in fact, MC should receive the most face slapping. There all idiots. I lowkey think ill drop this novel if something idiotic like this happens again.


yeah guess i have to Drop this novel soon. why are all authors retarded now a days?


Considering how badly the impacts of the planet are supposed to be, they sure are dallying giving it to MC.


Im honestly a little upset with how this resolved because he did nothing wrong they should be paying him for wasting his dragon energy the moment he landed in there zone of control. He did not abuse his power and start attacking some weak kid that was invited by the higher ups. His saftey should have been top priority but instead he was almost laid up in a bed for 3 days.


sigh, at least settle the responsability on Bella first.


another well written chapter


Sorry but that´s to fast. The student with the lowest stats is sent to the New World. It´s a if an ant is invited to take part in an elephant step dance contest with all participents on stage at the same time.


Americans have a “commoner district”?
