
Comments of chapter undefined of Lord of Annihilation


Yes I love the fact that he has gone back to his emotionless state. One of the greatest MC's I've seen. Although he hasn't reached the level of coldness like Fang yuan but he is up there. Thanks for the chapter by the way.


What book is Fang Yuan in?


auther did a good jobe right mc charecter around plot rather then changing mc auther should focus on story becuase this story more impresive. great work...[img=recommend]


Masterfully done. It would be quite unrealistic if he forgave himself just like that, and I really love the way you revealed things. It feels a lot more natural than a flashback.


you've done an amazing job so far, the only thing i want is for lucius to at least leave a legacy behind at the end of the story, if you understand what i mean (have a child) or, he might even continue living and accept the guilt/remorse for killing his family (olivia might also help him in this as after all it feels sad/wrong for lucius to die, after all even if he killed his family in the end he is trying to do everything to correct his mistakes). Last but not least, keep up the good work and we might reach the end of the story thank you for this experience of reading your novel