
Comments of chapter undefined of Earth's Greatest Magus


No! If the kid was his maybe I could see her caring about going with him but this is out of character for her. She wouldn’t leave that planet without her child unless Gwen is just a bad mother.

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Honestly emery may need an objective voice of reason as much as I love him and Julian they both have reasons to want things to progress in certain ways but Gwen can see thing from an average earthlings perspective instead of a magus’. Eith way thanks chief.


No No No 👎👎 👎 Infact I'm tired of seeing her in this story. Is her screen time not over yet? I don't have any shred of sympathy for her; she's is a very selfish & manipulative person

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Doesn't Gwen also have a child with Arthur back in Brittania? Is she willing to just leave them behind to explore to dangers of the broader universe ?

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she definitely should not I Think her part in the story is safely over emery has had enough bouncing emotions between women.


no, we need to find Klea and she probably won't be too happy to see Gwen accompanying Emery

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I'm of the opinion that (as a polyamorous individual myself), bringing in yet another partner should always be discussed with the existing ones first. It's clear that Morgana is okay with it, and knowing Clea, she'll likely stir up a fuss for a bit but inevitably give in, especially with her manipulations in previous chapters to get Gwen out of the way. Ultimately during the battle to save everyone from the Elves she gave in to Emery's devotion & desire to save Silva, possibly realizing that she can't (and shouldn't) change Emery or try to control him (a beast in a cage is more likely to kill it's keeper than willingly stay forever in a cage). I think Ultimately bringing Gwen to the Magus universe would be beneficial and also a nice deserved slap in the face to Clea. That said, there is bound to be drama, and that is good for us readers, but also I think Ultimately they should all talk things out especially with Aurthur in the picture for both Gwen AND Morgana (I've not forgotten his feelings for Morgana from previous chapters, moreover in some Lore those two have a child).


Sure, why not? While her strength may not be adequate right now, if the Magus Universe has shown us anything, there are opportunities to grow faster around every corner. Plus, she has always wanted to travel beyond what she knows and see new things. Her duty to her kingdom and people was what usually stopped her. Now, learning about the calamity thats going to come to Earth, Earth needs stronger protectors. Its better for her to gain the oportunity to get stronger now, than regret later in the future where she doesnt have the strength to protect her home and people

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I think Gwen should accompany emery but not selfish desire more of a council since he has Julian he needs the feminine touch on the thoughts or rather guiding not allowing Julian to play it for his own desire or delusion.

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I’d be interested in her going there honestly. She obviously has some kind of deeper connection with Excalibur so I feel like that should be important in other ways even in the magus universe

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I think it makes sense. Emery’s wolf side has allowed him to strip away earth’s norms and follow his instincts. That Gwen still has feelings after all this time should move him to allow her to join him, if not be accepted by him.


No, no no......we are done with gwen, dont allow her to the magus universe


I'm at an impasse. Gwen has not played too much of a role for a while now, only helping in early character development. Emery is already going to have a fight between Morgana and Kleo, so do we wanna add a 3rd to that? On the other hand, Gwen meeting Kleo again outside of Earth would be entertaining content. Kleo would be concerned with the obvious personality differences in Emery and wonder about his love for her. Somebody said Gwen would be a voice of reason for Emery, but only until Kleo showed up lol





It depends on the reaso. She wants to go. If it is to get stronger , I say yes. If it is to be with Emery, no.


I suspect the kids are Emery's. If yes, then Gwen's role should continue, even in Magus universe


I feel like Gwen has overstayed her part in the story. Her part as an old flame has come and gone; those old flames should be extinguished. This story's not supposed to be a disgusting harem, remember? Silva's gone. Now, Gwen should go too. If Shea's desperate for her own adventures, let her go her way and let the rest of us forget about her.