
Comments of chapter undefined of Earth's Greatest Magus


If one person is sacrificing everything for you, while you have the luxury of doing whatever you want just because, what does that say about his character? Mc should treat women better than how he is. It doesn't matter if its because of a aphrodisiac or whatever, if he doesnt have a strong will, what does he have?The author should look at modern celebrities for reference or something. Do you want Emery to emulate a Hugh Hefner or a Tom Brady?

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I don’t know how I’m feeling tbh I’d love for there to be a harem but at the same time I would like him to just be with Klea. Hopefully this will all work out where everyone is happy. But I doubt that will happen. Still not forgetting Morgana is somewhere in the mix here. But thank you for the read. Love to hear what everyone else thinks


Silva was already deeply attached, so it wouldnt surprise me if she ended up even more so. But she'll likely push him away since he already gave her an answer... However... Since that fruit boosted their body and drove them to 'release' the odds of Silva sneaking away in the near future with a secret child is high


Honestly the whole multiple love interest train is getting a bit tiresome. I really hope the whole romance confusion can end because it is quickly becoming the least interesting part of this. At a certain point it feels like wish fulfillment by author wanting to be so attractive that beautiful women are constantly fighting for his attention. Also his inability to get any better at dealing with what is a constant problem makes his character feel stunted and incapable of growth. What is awful is his character being stunted is just for a side gag that is starting to detract from the story. My opinion not fact and my tastes won’t match everyone


as I said before, Klea, Morgana, Silva as wives


I hope Emery will be able to reach the 9th before he leave this planet




1st, exp

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The love part of this novel is messy First we had Gwen, but she wasn't the right girls so klea put some sense on her and it ended well, I liked a lot this part Morgana...what a mess... so she got "captured by Emery" and instead of talking to whim and solving this mess she kept him in the dark about her feelings and asked help from someone who was clearly a very bad person. As consequence she almost killed her own family and herself while in the influence of the witch...and this drama isn't over yet, when Emery go back to earth she will probably be a Magus and that means that she can be a love partner for the boy...but I don't like this ship they have absolutely no chemistry klea...the Egyptian queen... I like her, she is nature, know what she wants and know that you must speak so people can understand you (Morgana and silva don't know this, they kept people in the dark and don't express their feelings, but get mad when their love interest can't understand). Klea is perfect, maybe very good to Emery she deserves better Silva ... is basically a tsundere... when I saw her leading people in that fight against the elves I thought she got better but I was wrong, at least she told Emery about her feelings, it was progress. But still, I don't think she is good And finally Emery... the guy have a huge hero complex, it's reckless, get himself in dangerous situations knowing full well that it's dangerous, can't understand what others are feeling, think he must lift up all the problems of the world and can't understand the girls not even a little .... I don't know why so many girls like him If this becomes a harem it will get bad, very bad, it will become just a typical isekai I'm not saying the harem is bad, the characters are the bads ones they aren't good harem material This comment it's already very big so I will stop here I hope the novel don't lost its quality and all the characters can grow as characters while the history advance Sorry if my English is bad, I'm not a native English speaker


annara will be fine. not sure about Silva. :(


Honestly i'm kind of disappointed considering that in the past 3 or chapters the author left a note that emery is faithful then at the next few chapters the "faithful" guy allowed himself to be captured in a situation which he could blink to escape those 2.


Just make it harem


Another complication to his already complicated social life/awkwardness.