
Comments of chapter undefined of Earth's Greatest Magus


Still a little unhappy about Gwen, I felt like she gave up too easy and was kinda written off for the story, before her dad died she didn't seem to want her position but did it out of a sense of duty, after she seemed to change and found that helping people is what she wanted to do, which is fine but the way she left emery felt wrong, say she was going with him, sleep together, then leave and tell him by note is cowardly and didn't sit right with me. Klea's hand in it also made me dislike her a little, I still like her personality but I don't like how manipulative she is, she convinced gwen that she couldn't be with emery and was going to hold him back, she knocked out Emery so he couldn't run back to her, and she threw his music box into the ocean. those actions are red flags too me, she is making his decisions for him, her motivation might be to help him/what's good for him but that's only part of her motivation, she is also doing it to get what she wants. My main gripe is Emery's character, he is very dense and a bit self absorbed sometimes, and he felt nothing wrong with Klea's manipulation, he didn't get mad for being knocked out, or her throwing his music box into the ocean, it was very hard for me to relate to him thanking her for doing them, even if I am making a mistake I still don't want people to make my decisions for me. Now I know that Gwen would be holding Emery back and has no chance to become a magus, but nothing is impossible.


I can't like Klea at this point. All of those actions made me hate her, and also hate Emery as he is being literally abused but still is with this Klea


I thought Fjolnir was going to summon the bifrost

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Avan knows how to tease his readers, in the previous chapter I was really happy about the Fey legacy and now with a possible Gaia tragedy it's a completely opposite feelingđŸ˜ȘđŸ˜Ș😭👍.


I still hope for gwen and emery to end up together hahahaha no offense for klea, morgana and silva fans but she did love emery and if by the time they meet again she still did not give up her love for him I'd like her and emery to continue thier love. I still like klea's personality and patience though I hate her a little because she pushed gwen away and told her that she couldn't be with him becuase she could not reach the magus realm, there is a big chance that she can be wrong though the universe is so wide and this is a fantasy world anything can happen the fact that she has D class talent in magic shows that she still has a chance a very small chance though but still she still has the chance to reach magus realm. I may be selfish for writing all this for gwen but I feel like she deserve this much and both of them love each other. For me it really is a waste for thier love to end if she is still loyal to emery by the time they meet again.


Well it’s Nice that klea is coming too but I am hoping there will be some development in their relationship instead of just being +1 to him


Just loving the twists and turns unexpectedly in the story. Will be interesting to see what the legacy is left for Emery. Looking forward to the next chapters. Thank you. 😁


Time to develop that relationshio even more with them only with a single chaperone




Ok, after reading the comments here about Gwen and Klea, this is how I see it. Gwen was in conflict between 2 choice which she loved. She was also interested in Arthur but not as much as she loved Emery. What made her choose was the difference between she and Emery is their perspectives. Both loves themselves but that love is something they know they can't give to one another as they are both of different realms. Klea on the other hand truly loves Emery also. Though, she has a hand in the separation of Gwen and Emery but she was right. They will never truly be together and it is the truth and the fact.


Thanks for the chapter


Now he has to meet Gwen with Klea present, will be an interesting meeting . Now it would be really interesting if Gwen was pregnant.😁


flying with garuda?

