
Comments of chapter undefined of Earth's Greatest Magus


I feel like as the author your setting up Julian to win, and i cant say im happy about it 😕 Julian is very villain-y right now and i think his reasons for doing this suck, i hope Thrax wipes the floor with him


Julian is only a villain if you are a naive child.

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For those of you seeing Julian as the bad guy, y'all are wrong. There's really no right or wrong here. Thrax killed lots of innocent people but somehow, it's ok? Romans are no saint but they do the things they do because they have the power to and Thrax is fighting back because he can while the Romans are fighting for their survival and looking at it from a neutral point of view, no one is wrong. They all just have conflicting interests. I still think Julian will win. Actually, I want him to. If Thrax wins and the Roman empire is brought down, now what? Neither Thrax nor Julian will rule them. Klean and Emery won't rule them either which will leave Thrax to select who will and if he leaves for a long period of time (which he will) lots of disagreements will come up and they'll definitely fight again. Those Thracians aren't the smartest around and whatever dynasty they'll like to build won't last at all


Julian will win by using tactics


All honestly I’m not Julien biggest fan right now considering my people where actually slaves I really hoping Thrax teaches him a Lesson a big won


Julian makes a lot more sense. All Thrax has is rage and a desire for destruction, he has no plans to actually build a functioning society. Julian know that people will keep acting the only way they know how-to even if Rome is destroyed. You need to change the way people view slavery first before ending it, otherwise they just repeat it later


This part is being horribly conducted. From the stand point of everyone except Julian Rome should be restrained. Kleo knows what romans do and didnt like it. Emery already heard that they were close to his land. WHY WOULD THEY SUPPORT THAT??? Also Thrax was being made to fight for entertainment and Julian is fighting for a cause which he knows is corrupted??? This all started with Julian seeing that Rome wasnt all that and wishing to change it. Besides all is being led to Julian winning and even if he doesnt how Thrax didnt make a change during the last battle for gods sakes Emery and Kleo punched a bunch of special knights without dropping a sweat and Thrax cant even destroy an army? Isnt that the thing he is good at? Author tripping just like with maeve, I understand that the story needs to go down one rode, but man... do it more nicely. Emery and Kleo dropping that vote was awful


" Who do you think will win? " You are the story teller .You do not know your story ?


Julian is bound to win but if not, I’m curious as to how the story will progress while maintaining historical accuracy.