
Comments of chapter undefined of Earth's Greatest Magus


ok this is not as bad as I thought - I thought she used her mind-control spell on him.


Well, klea is still by far the best girl and everyone saw that coming but it still sucks

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Feel like ya couldve added the next part with her explanation here


This love triangle is annoying. Never liked this sort of romance. And him being with Gwen seemed kinda forced, like people usually think about the person they like. All emery thought of her as friend - never did he ever thought of her sexually which a normal teenage boys do ----- to all the girls they meet. In fact, I think he found her annoying at times, idk - just the way he spoke to her. And all of a sudden, he fell in love with her. Also he should of pondered at her situation being a princess, like having a responsibility and such. Idk. Nevertheless, I'm glad this tiresome teenage clingy romance is over. Part of everyone hating on her is due to knowing she will marry Arthur and her and emery romantically involved feels cringey.


I would never again trust either of them after that. Gwen is a coward and Klea a traitor who robbed him of his choice.

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The last few chapters have been a real treat. Obviously, the two girls had their girl talk in which Gwen realized that Emery is too big a fish to be dwelling in her small pond -- and still growing. Maybe time will bring them back together. Or maybe that goodbye was it. For the moment, the world is Emery's playground while Britannia was all the world to Gwen. They're just two very different people. There's also the fact that Emery's feelings for Klea remains unresolved. But I'll leave Klea out of the equation for now. So, what happens next? The way I see it, there'll be no romance for Emery for some time, but Klea will tease him mercilessly. Emery has feelings for her, and the author made this clear if you were reading properly. So, we'll see. As for Gwen, I wonder what happens if she conceived that night? Great job by the author. It was a good thing you didn't go for a straight up "I love you, but I don't think we can be together so goodbye" kind of scene. That would have been terrible. Gwen wouldn't be able to pull it. And with Emery surely losing control of his emotions, Gwen would only end up yielding to him and be an unhappy camper along the journey as she thinks of her people--the ones she couldn't leave.


Finally!!! I was getting concerned Gwen was going with him.

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Maybe Klea casted a spell on Gwen that same manipulation spell she used on Uther Pendragon. But if that's the truth that will mean that night she made love with Emery was not of her chosing, those passionate moments were all fake


I'm thinking klea used her enchantment on Gwen and if so I'm a little salty about that but I get it as a whole for the story line.


Let's just hope she marries Arthur and this whole thing of her being more or less gone sticks.


I hope that if Klea used her enchantment it was only a push. The thought that Gwen didn't actually want to go through with it leaves a horrible taste.


You know. If i was Emery, i would never trust a woman again. I know i'm generalazing, but after what happened i wouldn't care anymore. Honestly, i never cared for gween because i thought she was a bi$^h, but after they became a couple i decided to give another chance by looking at this relationship in a new light. Well i was obviously wrong to believe she would stop being trash. I just hope the author never tries to put gween and emery toghether again, otherwise it Will become to forced and i will drop the story.


Who is emery ending up with ? If this novel follows the traditional story of this characters then that would mean Gwen would end up with Arthur, kle and Juliet - Morgana be coming evil and only leaving silva. I thought the romance saw going to be sorted out this arc. Feels weird emery romantically involving with any known characters BECAUSE we ready know their story and what happens to them. I personally would have loved Morgana because of how she was came off, as strong, fierce, sexy wildling. And caring of emery at the same time, risking his life for him multiple times.


Oh so is this how Klea does something improper and this Emery drops her? Historically Julius Ceaser aka Julian supposedly ended up with Cleopatra.

