
Comments of chapter undefined of Osmosian Gamer(Rewrite Up)


i didnt like that he didnt even fight at all w the avengers against the chitauri


Just dont be their bitch i mean you go there fury tell you to do something and you agree so they wont bother you say like join the avengar you have the power to **** every one (ok maybe not every one but you could **** the avengar and shield) so go there listen to what they have to say and refuse and go i mean you have the hydra info to make half the avengar pissed at shield so please dont be there bitch


1: thanks for the Chapter and for your hard work. 2: the battle was short, boring and boring, but I understand that your goal was simply to be an excuse. 3: I don't! I liked how the MC is using the vampire as a tool. 4: the Phoenix does much more than that, it is a power of creation and destruction. so I'm guessing that you're using the weaker version of the movie. 5: I wonder what the consequences of what Jean did and what are the consequences of absorbing half the Phoenix force. 6: this chapter was very fast, dry, without much content, a little forced a little disappointing but I understand that you wanted to finish the mansion's arch so ok ..... anyway, in general I like this story, but in the moment the MC starts using people like he suggested doing with the vampire, I’m excluding this from my library. the story is not bad, in fact it is good and has potential, but I hate psychopathic, idiotic and indifferent MC who doesn't mind ruining everything just to gain something. I like MC hero, and as much as people say that there is only MC hero, I say that most are shit, have been abandoned or are already complete. i like hero, if anyone has something against? **** Oh and if you want to make a harem? good, just try to make a decent loving development. thanks for your work author I hope you continue because this story has the potential to be a lot of fun.


people is really like to bash some character be it in anime/manga or movie. ppl I would like to point that all books that got bashing end up failing, reason is for your unreasonabld hate. so you call all the agents that work in shield as b*tches?? of what?? you play smart not arrogant, being smart can take you to whatever plan you want to achieve, but being arrogant will make a lot of enemies without proper reason. always been like this, fury descover mc, he talk to him about joining and mc refuse then fury (OOC) became angry like some dumbass and just order his agents to attack. dude he is not the director of a big organisation like shield, you can't blame shield that they were defenseless against hydra. they have been in their ranks from the very start. in my opinion so far avengers got a lot of free time and freedom the only missions I see them do got months and even year between them. it's not like working 24h/7d. he can get to be able to access to some of stark technology, what will he get from being arrogant perck?? a lot of agents behind his ass that's the least he get, if not he will become the enemy of the world council that pretty much rules most of the world. giving up legal life because of arrogance and become a run away or even a criminal (if they want to make him one) play smart dude, make some connection here and there be close to avengers and try absorb their powers wanda will be joining at a later time. for the time being you got thor with his asgardian psychology and his godly power with his hammer (can absorb it since it was made from Uru) and Tony's intelligence . . . . . .


rouge x jean x wanda


U can explain to jean everything that professor did her (locking her emotions) so she can join u.


Thank You For The Chapter Mr Author 😜 A Fantastic Chapter As Always 😉 Pls Don't Drop This Novel And Pls Update More Frequently 😃


Now go to grave find a dead body and act you are dead by using Mystique power.


He should get Tony’s, Bruce’s, the others. He should also get with jean and rogue.


have jean and rouge as your girlfriends plz. and great work


So I've been reading this and I had an interesting thought. He could make a necklace/bracelet or of different metals. Need the properties of adamantine? Boom. Right there. Uru? Vibranium? Gold? Present and accounted for. And you know what? Here's about to meet with some avengers. If Thor is there then he's got himself some top quality Uru. If not, Cap's shield is still available.


so, first check that Jean is ok, is thier any phenoix force left or not.... if not u can directly says to Avenger that pheonix force left this host .. so, there is no problem about it to solve.... at stark tower 3 days later..... . . if Thor is there try to contact it


So jean still have The Pheonix force and rouge & jean are gonna be join the team of The MC/Kevin


don't take Jean, I repeat please don't take Jean. Rogue is enough, she is all we need for love interest. he could have bring her with them and let her absorb a power from him (he can choose which power he can let her absorb.)


Ok that was.... SOMTHING As long there is no link between him and jean then all is good


I believe that instead of not going, Xavier would make the X-Men help against the invasion, as this would give the public a good impression of the mutants. You don't need to make the MC be forced to leave the institute, you could just say that he feels limited by being in the institute. Wolverine left and joined the X-Men whenever he wanted. For the Phoenix, I think it wouldn't be good the way you did it, you could just do that some time later, after the invasion, the MC would talk to Jean and he would release the Phoenix without making it become the Dark Phoenix, you could even make them go to Kamar Taj and let The Ancient One handle it. Furthermore, Thor shouldn't have known about the Phoenix Force, he didn't know about the infinity gems until he had a vision and Thor is a warrior, he doesn't know much about the universe and it’s mysteries, the things he knows are what is known in Norse mythology. You could say that the MC absorbs Jean's powers before the Phoenix Force is awakened, that way he can get telekinesis and an increase in telepathy and I'm not sure, but I believe that Jean also has a power to feel emotions that is not based on telepathy.


no harem please it is illogical in a non-anime universe, like its basically insane, in marvel that the phoenix force would actually let her host share what would be a cosmic consort with someone else, also why is harem always guy with many girls its ridiculous


Keep Going And Thank You For The Chapter



another thing that points to this is the fact that he only allows the rogue around him because it would be inconvenient to deal with things if she was far away. this may be a failure of my interpretation or the author did not express himself properly, but what I understood is that he hardly cares and his first thought when she asked to go with him was of her use and she didn’t even care much about the own person. again, this may just be my mistake, and if that is the case then I owe the author an apology, but this is at least suspect.


Yes I remember, but the problem is the way he's acting. He is suggesting that the anti-hero title is just an excuse to do shit. If that's it or not I do not know, but that's what I understood from the chapter. I may be wrong, but it's as the saying goes: Trust but check it out.