
Comments of chapter undefined of Psycho's Mine


Thank you so much for the recent updates. I’m so glad I get to read new updates. I’ve even taken it upon myself to restart the series from the beginning. A wonderful read. Thanks again Author.


AUTHOR RAEVEN_BLACK: I'm sorry you got the flu! It's hard to be creative when you feel bad and have little energy! I hope you feel better soon! 🥰 Thank you for this golden nugget of giving Rachel what she deserves! Awesome update! 😄😆🤣

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Dear Raeven--I hope you are taking good care of yourself after catching the flu! Looking forward eagerly to updates as you feel better! 😉😊🥰 Much appreciation, admiration, and affection for you and your stellar talent! Keith and Wynter have become my ALL-TIME FAVORITE FULL- OF- SURPRISES CHARACTERS and LOVEY-DOVEY ROMANTIC COUPLE!!! Thank you for this amazing story! Please let daring Katerina find the intense, daring love she deserves! Eris & Dante's story arc to continue, and Dante to regain his memory. And what happened to Elle--was she a government agent trying to take down Nagasaki Empire? And what really happened to her? If she really died, HOW? WHY? WHO KILLED HER? I'm hoping Keith didn't have anything to do with whatever happened to Elle (whether she was captured or killed)... but after Elle's unexpected message that Keith Nagasaki was a bad man--for Wynter to get away from him--there had to be something sinister going on...especially after the businessman that contracted with Wynter over Keith, because Elle gave him, her brother, her car that he coveted (an Astin Martin?)... but it turned out that man was an only child--no siblings--and didn't know Elle...? The mystery about Elle, her mysterious life, and her suspicious death, have HAUNTED me all this time! ... So many facets and questions that can be explored and finally answered...(how Dante lost his memory...etc) Loving the memory of Keith and his best buddies, the prince of France and a multi-billionaire, in their Armani suits, standing in the baking isle of a grocery story, loudly debating love and the best flour to use in the blueberry muffins Wynter is craving because she's pregnant. Then the mess and disaster Keith's buddies made of Mrs. Nagasaki's kitchen trying to outdo Keith's blueberry muffins...🤣🤣🤣 I LAUGHED SO HARD I COULDN'T CATCH MY BREATH! The Prince of France arguing with Keith Nagasaki about love in the baking isle of a grocery store ... then making a huge mess in Nagasaki mansion's kitchen, along with their billionaire friend was SO HILARIOUS! 🤣🤣🤣 I just LOVE this story and all the vivid, intense characters...except Rachel & Hidetsugu--they drove me nuts! Poor Wynter can't even just relax and enjoy her pregnancy without having nasty Rachel RUIN EVERYTHING! Rachel & Hidetsugu need their COMEUPPANCE ... and out of Wynter and Keith's lives! 😈 I love your unique writing style and this incredible story! Feel better soon! 🥰


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
