
Comments of chapter undefined of Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector


Thanks for the chapter! And i thiNk it should remain just Tori


I would like this to be a single pairing, him and tory have been friends and dating for years, they know each other better than anyone else, i think tonks would only interrupt their relationship. However, if the other option is to hook up tonks with remus, a guy old enough to be her father with A LOT of issues (even if he is better) Then yeah go for McxToryxTonks.


Thanks for another amazing chapter! For your decision about Tonks personally I'm fine with it, but I would suggest that she and Tory get closer and become something similar to sisters before any steps are taken, other than that it's completely up to you


No Harem pls. Also, it feels lIke the past Several chapters have been less story and more braging, ranting, and excessive swearing. Just long internal monologues and no plot.


Tonks is an interesting character, but she's really not needed in your OC's relationship. She would just feel like an extra. As for who she ends up with, does it really matter? Maybe Bill Weasley since you seem to have nabbed Fleur for one of your OCs. That's if you don't want to use Remus, which frankly was weird even ignoring all of his problems he had in the original. Don't take this the wrong way, but since the start of this last school year the story has taken a notable dive in quality. It just seems like it's not planned very well and just ends up constantly doing exposition about how overpowered your OCs are without actually showing it. I'll still read it of course, but the story definitely suffers for it.


No harem please, just stick with tory


there's plenty of smart guys out there for Tonks. maybe she can date one of them.


Harem is a man keeping two or more women, or viceversa in reverse harem. Trio or other polyamory relationships are, for example, those three people loving each other. In the first one two love one, but they don't love each other or maybe don't even know the other, they just share their loved one among them. In the second one every member love the others, they don't share "their loved one", they share their love in an agreement to care for every member of the unit. This is why i don't like harem, it's as if saying the girls don't have enough self respect and self love. You don't share your lover with strangers, and you don't need a man that loves another woman if you love yourself enough to think you can get a better man instead of a cheater or an indecisive bast*rd. HAREM IS NOT THE SAME AS POLYAMORY SO STOP ASKING FOR SOMETHING NASTY LIKE IT. So, an AedanXToryXTonks is hard to happen. An harem is such an awful thing it's impossible to happen with Tory's strong personality. She would kick Aedan in the balls if he dared. A polyamory between them could still happen, but it's too difficult: i don't think Aedan would be with a girl he doesn't love, so he and Tonks would need to fall for each other, then Tory would need to know, love or care for Tonks, and be ok with it (again, i can't see her agreeing even if she cares for Tonks), and finally they would need to put their own rules in the relationship. The point is, Tory is mostly a possessive character, i can't see her agreeing to any of this. And Tonks, though flirty, wouldn't feel happy ruinning her friends relationship (unless you make her a thot, which she isn't). Giving Tonks somebody else to love, like another auror or even Bill (since he won't be attacked by Fenrir) would be nice and more realistic than trying to stuff her into Aedan's arms by force.


Had a thought after reading some comments. What does anyone think of one or both twins with Tonks? Wouldn’t that raise a little hell?😈


thanks for the chapter. i go for tonks.. but it is your book.


this fanfic is good and all but it just doesn't suit more than 1 pairing, so no mc x tonks please. what's more mc and tory have been friends and in a relationship for years and her personality just doesn't support mc being with anyone else other than her. tory is a strong independent woman so let's dont be too greedy and ruin the story. tonks also don't have the personality to meddle in other people relationship or speak about her crush on mc or something. honestly it's not as if remus and mc is the only male she can get to know and have her love life with, there cedric, Neville etc. remus is also not bad in this stories, he have issues yeah but who doesn't? and if tonks date him and they solve the issues won't the love deepen? to the people that's saying remus is too old or something, excuse me there exist the harry potter fanfic that have the mc with Harry's age or a bit older have relationship with narcissa or bellatrix. there is many people supporting such relationship but why can't remus x tonks be okay for this fanfic?


No tonks! This has the feeling of a single pairing story, dont ruin the good feelings and wnwegy touve creates with the story so far 👍🏻


I personally like her and you have already made the ground work for her to be in love with MC he was the first to believe in her dream he was the one to support and help her with her studies i mean you got everything set up already now i think you should get tory to take notice of tonk feelings for MC and make her do something you can do a chapter that has a part of tory talking with tonks about it


I hoped, that I will find some Novel with normal romance, no some sh**y harem with fake love. There is no Such a thing as love to many women, it's only to one special women and to other one it's fake or just lust.


Thanks for the chap! If you build the relationship with Tonks, I think is a good addition, but we'll I'm biased, Tonks was always one of my favorite characters in HP


Thank You For The Chapter Mr Author 😜 A Fantastic Chapter As Always 😉


Man I hate when people in the comments try to modify the novel bc they don't like what the author is writing.


Tonks deserves to be involved it's nit a harem with two women. A harem would be 3+ since I can imagine Victoria and Tonks getting along on their own as well it's more like a poly relationship so go for it


Only Tory and Aidan please, since Remus is better now so leave him with Tonks and make her only a close friend.


I Don't believe, that Tory would allow him to have any other women. Of course, you can just out of nowhere Change her personallity, after all this is your Novel.


Please Add tonks !! Thanks for the chapter