
Comments of chapter undefined of Villain Lady


Readers who read a lot of reincarnation/transmigration stories are used to MCs being the transmigrator (including me). There are only few stories where they are depicted in a bad light from those I've read, and the IQ of the female transmigrator here is not that impressive imo. Tho I'm curious about what plot she had read from the original storyline, her wanting to stick with the fourth prince aka human in beast skin already gives clue about her moral standard. I do have a second opinion on Luiying's character tho, being able to kill adult men without the author putting any info about her emotions and thoughts that time.

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there is something i did not understand Wei Xiao Hua is a good person or bad ?

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hay!!! i donk know who is the main actor isnt wei huiling or wei hua i think wei hua was undergone with rebirth

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Welp I can feel a upcoming oh no coming up (better prepare for the worse and ready myself to steal some of the author's strawberry milk)


Is it Wei Xui Hua who's behind all this? The incident at forest and now this incident both seem to connected to her. She might be taking fourth prince's help to clear up the witnesses. She might have paid the boy to injure the second brother and now she wants to come clean by erasing any future threats. The fourth prince will surely kill the boy. Or maybe it's something else. Why does Wei hua hates Liuying? Did she do something to her during her previous life? 🤔

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I personally dislike the transmigrators usually they're so dumb .I don't think this one is too dumb but she isn't as intelligent as our female protoganist sadly, she should have kill her when she had the chance (to pave her path)


Thanks for the chapter


Hmm, I was wondering who bribed the kid, I wonder if it was WXH who did it and she’ll have Ji Shu blame Wei Li for it.