
Comments of chapter undefined of The Dawn of the New World


gg for lyf


what lyf?


Thx for the chapter


I am getting sick of Hao Xuan having powers or getting involved with things that he has absolutely no clue about. He has known almost nothing about almost every single enemy he has faced on this planet especially all the ethereal enemies. He runs into those types of enemies a bunch but he just has no way of dealing with them despite him having the most versatile law in the universe. Meaning, he has the tool but he just doesn't know how to use it in the right way, in this circumstance. Or he gets involved with enemies at a much higher level of power than he could handle. There needs to be somebody to seriously teach him one on one and a decent time skip. If the goal of this story is for Hao Xuan to be an explorer, then he needs to learn a lot of things. Especially about the forms of life in this universe and how to kill, capture, heal, whatever each of them. This arc is like showing us as readers what how inept Hao Xuan is because of how many opportunities this world has but he just cant take advantage of them, as a result of his low strength. I hope there is a payoff in the future where the MC finds himself in a similar situation when he is much much much stronger and we see him take every advantage possible out of it. If there is indeed going to be such an arc that makes this one much more palatable, at least for me it does. Then there is the whole future sight thing, his lycan bloodline, his new chaos cultivation system, his chaos law, his severs, and his now slightly improved physique. 4/6 of those things are relatively new to him and he just has no clue on the rules/restrictions of those 4 things, maybe Jin Wang can help him. However, Hao Xuan needs to know that first and foremost that understanding himself to the point of knowing what he can and cant do, is the most important thing for him right now. It also helps us as readers to know what the MC is capable of because right now its hard to tell where the MC is at in terms of combat strength. It was mentioned a few chapters what his cultivation was at but for Hao Xuan, along with 99.9% of all MC's in any cultivation story, that doesn't actually mean much.