
Comments of chapter undefined of The Dawn of the New World




Hmmmmm, has Hao Xuan's every action been manipulated from the moment his girlfriend showed up until now? This is off topic, but he still has not gotten back at the Kingdom for taking his memories from him and trying to turn him into what is essentially a weapon for the Kingdom to point at its enemies. Of course he still ended up becoming that but he just did so of his own free will while still looking out for his own interests. I would love ,when he returns home to the Beast world, if he would run into Ouki. I wonder if Ouki would remember him because I dont think the MC has forgotten Ouki. Back to the interesting topic at hand. Was Hao Xuan's girlfriend planted by this women in the tower for some reason. Then was Ceni manipulated, or maybe she volunteered because of her situation, into getting close to him since Hao Xuna's girlfriend was found out. Meaning Ceni would be her replacement. Why would they not just up front tell him that there is an organization interested in working alongside him. I dont think he would say no to that. Better yet, what benefits does the organization get. This is just me guessing but judging by how certain Women in the Beast world are used as political bargaining tools, I would say that maybe the Tower exists to protect those Women from that fate. By pairing them with young men or women with high potential to grow strong enough to protect/help said bargaining tools from their arranged marriages. Hao Xuan fits that profile to a T and was very easily manipulated to protect his girlfriend. I would be fine with that arrangement if whoever arranged it was up front with the MC about it and the MC got some kind of benefit, other than a fake relationship, from protecting whatever political bargaining tool they need him to.

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Also, I hope he doesn't get together with any of these girls so soon. He has way too much on his plate to think about this. I mean, I know he is a young guy who didn't have much affection in his early life so it might be easy to fall for these women...but I like watching his adventures more. I do wish he would look for his mom though. Just to see what's what with her. I feel like there is more to her situation then meets the eye. I guess I am just curious as to why his dad and her split.