
Comments of chapter undefined of Flipping the Galaxy


for the mcs armour you should the reactor powered by two crystals one the crystals should be the stygium crystals to help amplifie the mcs force cloak to hide him from all force users an a Thontiin crystal to help heal him when he is wounded an to help him fight while he is in immense pain it could also be used to amplify his healing force powers when he learns them or if you want to take it a step more you could make it powered by 3 the 3rd crystal sjould be the meditation crystal found on tython it could help him mediate while still in his armour to strengthen his connection to the force it could also help him retain energy while fighting you could also mine some of the crystals to build his own meditation chamber when he gets his own house/base or you can use the crystals to modify his meditation chamber on his ship or both also I thought he could modify his combat style with a blaster so he can slightly curve a blaster shot with his force powers which could make blaster combat lethal to force users an make it so the mc can even hit some people with a blaster shot when there in cover an he should Train in blaster shooting so he can deflect blaster fire with a blaster there's was a group in the army of light that could use a blaster similar to what I just said






So when next chapter comming?


the mc should create a base on hoth near the ship grave yard that will salvage the technology hidden in the ships buried in the ice to either look for lost technology from the old republic when they were at war with the sith an an the war technology was advanced then have facilities in the base to melt down all the ships for extra metal for you when you want to start making a super dreadnought that can hold 4 frigate class ships like the one the mc is currently using


I just thought of a good planet he could set up a house an base an his business's on lothal it has an abandoned jedi temple on it so he could start an arcilogical dig site to find force artifacts an if he has a way to jam transmissions he should be able to get in the temple with out alerting the jedi council I believe they only get sent an alert when one of there old temples are activated but if the alert gets jammed they won't know about it an if you can scan the planet an find where the highest recources are you could buy the land an have it mined for extra recources you could also start your own farm there with the data of humanity from halo you create earth creatures an plants whitch could be used for food supplies so you don't have to keep hunting for food supply's for your ship an with the plants you could start making earth alcohols but you will have to have them tested through the proper Chanel to see if any aliens can't drink them you could then making bars an clubs on planets that are supplied with your own alcohol to start building capital for the mc so he can start his droid company there's no way he has the capital to start it an if he starts small the trade federation will step in an try an bully him into giving the scematics or assassinated him because they are one of the people selling droids the other reason it would be good to set up there is because the planet is part of the trade routes plus the planet is not part of the core world's its not run by the hutts jedi usually don't step on the planet because it's on the outer rim the sith won't go there cause your cloaked so the 3 main forces in the republic won't stop you from setting your business's an its a populated planted with probably 20 percent of planet used by intelligence life so if you could find a way to cloak your ship you could probably build a hanger on the planet to hide your ship when you ain't using it whitch could be used to repear an upgrade your ship ones your ready another reason is that planet is strong in the force so it will be perfect for your force abilitys you could also build hk a ship an send him to pirate bases destroy an rob which will calm hk down also will the mc go to see the bendu to learn more of the force cause I swear he's the most powerful mortal force user


Author I just found a very interesting comment on a youtube video(Channel:EckhatsLadder) that just completely changes my point of view on star wars star fighters: There are a couple points on this list that are addressed in Star Wars expanded material. Sorry, I won't be able to cite specific sources, but generally inferred from the cut-away books and a few other "tech manual" type sources. 1. Cockpit field of view: Visual tracking is generally used because there is (behind the scenes) a LOT of E-warfare going on, making BVR combat impractical. Generally, the information the pilot is presented with is described in tech books and novels as a lot more than that which appears to be available in the movies. This is probably because in ANH there just wasn't the budget for it, and all following movies omitted it to maintain visual consistency with the established aesthetic. TIEs, specifically, are described as using holographics to essentially render the FOV in nearly 360 degrees in all directions. You see those odd red glyphs on the inner walls of the cockpit? those are supposed to be the holoprojectors. 2.Maneuverability: Almost all fighters are equipped with repulsor tech, that can either push on the very "frame" of space, acting like atmospheric control surfaces, but can allow the 3-axis flip maneuvers as described in-video. That said, the main thrusters are still facing aft, so while good in theory, performing such a maneuver would make maneuvering awkward during the maneuver. Unless you REALLY knew what you were doing, this would likely make you a bigger target, or potentially lead to a collision during the fight (most battles shown in films are in rather confined space near asteroids, capital ships and stations. Additionally, most ships use repulsor and magnetic deflectors (which usually are shaped like aerodynamic fins) to steer main engine exhaust, allowing for very wide angle thrust vectoring. as such, reaction control jets are largely unnecessary. X-Wings actually used the ram-air intakes (for added power in-atmo) as exhaust vents for the main engines to fire in reverse-thrust, GREATLY boosting their rotational agility. 3. Turreted weapons: most "forward firing" weapons are actually on gimbals allowing target tracking within a narrow cone-of-fire. Combined with the agility provided above, turrets would be unnecessary weight and complexity. The A-Wing, was actually designed with turreted blasters, but were often locked forward, with the servos removed to cut unwanted weight. Larger, less agile ships could justify their use, though. the Y-Wing and ARC-170 are good examples, even if the rebels opted to remove the functionality on many of theirs. Some ships did fit low-yield guided weapons as defensive measures, to strike at targets on their tail. 4. Large target profile/wings: Mostly a combination of repulsors/magnetics being flat panels in form, heat dissipation requirements, and in TIEs, light collection for the tiny but powerful reactor. Given these requirements, large surface areas are needed, but are arranged in a way to limit forward target profile, at the expense of other angles. The A-Wing needed to make a lot of other concessions with regard to heat management in particular, to get as small and compact as it is. And it is still described as a hot-box in some books. Also, a smaller, brighter souce of heat would show on passive IR tracking more than a larger but dimmer source, so when it comes to some sensors, larger might actually be harder to spot against the background. WRT fighters in Starwars being bigger than comparable fighter aircraft, they aren't actually much bigger than current fighter jets, and as spacecraft, must carry bulkier and far more elaborate life support hardware than an aircraft. All that having been said, once ANH established the aesthetic of space combat in the star wars universe, any following media would naturally cherry-pick or flat out ignore many of the written points above.



can't wait for the next chapter


I've been wondering for a long time what kind of scp is a R.O.B. I can surmise their godlike and can grant powers but i need to know more. please author san, i can't find it online ooooooffffffffffffffff


I just thought of something he should be smarter then Tony stark he should be able to make the new element that Tony made by going through his own memorys from the time he watched iron man 2 if he watched it if so he could start designing better power generators that's based off the ark reactor ith his knowledge about reactors he could desighnes ones with greater power for his personal ships an an make a better power cell for his droids




First. Thanks



is this dropped?




he should have his ai find planets that have no life on them that have been scarred from wars between the sith an the the jedi that is in the outer rims that no one goes to to build his Temple on but upgrade your teraformer plans to have an ai an design some droids to beats controlled to seed the planet with animals an plants it should take less time for the planet to recover if you do that I realised that the idead of using ossus was a dumb idea cause during the clone wars the cis had a base there


Go to author profile and in comment section ask him. So when new chapter comming?


yooo loving this


so uh.... it's been like what, 2 months? yeah.. well... when are you going to update author? just asking