
Comments of chapter undefined of I Choose The Villain Duke

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these are your characters and your book. your readers will find things they identify with as well as things they don't. as you said in the forewarning, you're characters were exploring thier expression of lovemaking. not everyone does everything the same in private so it is no big deal if some think it is gross and other's are intrigued. The story itself is very interesting. you are not writing for critics so it is ok if they don't read everything. you will find enough supporters to take the entire journy through to the end.

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Oh lord please dont change the chapters, i just wish u knw hw much i enjoyed the romance. I cant wait for euphee and lucien's steamy sessions 😅 thanks author 😍😍😍😍😍

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Miyu’s story is relatable especially to small blonde girls who were hot tempered and picked on and victimized and bullied and pressured. you gotta do what you have to do to make your own way even if its not the real you because it is better pretending than being bullied and picked on and having your school supplies stolen and ruined. Anyways.... Im curious as to what happens next and how she fits into the story. maybe her mother is somehow related to Yuzan & Mia somehow like a cousin or aunt or maybe not 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Don't mind them. You did gave it a tagging that it is 18+. Please continue releasing your chapters as you would and not be shaken by comments. As long as a lot of us are enjoying your chapter, then I don't think a mere spec should distrupt your flow. A lot of your readers enjoy your webnovel. You're the master of your own craft. 😊 Miyu... I feel like she's a victim of peer pressure. She forced herself to change so she can fit in. In the end, she has formed a mask. A fake facade that conceals her true self and by which she confides in to get the attention she wanted. That facade attracts the wrong people. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen with Miyu, Mr. Ren and Hanako....

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nice story 😊

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please don't remove it

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don't change that ! you are doing great

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Hmm, I wonder if Ren is like Mia's fiancee.


Miyu story is really sad having to cover your real personality with a fake persona is just sad but I can relate that and author pls don't mind any of them saying that maybe they just don't see the warning you clearly put it there and thanks for the chapter 💞