
Comments of chapter undefined of I Choose The Villain Duke

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Can't wait for season 2. And I don't mind getting only 1 chapter per 2 week or something it's a blessing we get so many nice things to read

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First off, i want to thank you, Tanya, for sharing to the world this really beautiful story. I will be eagerly waiting for the return of Euphee, Lucien, Ruby and Hansel. Not so much for the Queen and the princess..... Erm, i mean "Prince" Vincent *vomit sounds*.... Ahem, ahem. Second, i just wanna say: Yes, we have obligations. Our whole lives do not revolve around just writing. There are people like us who ACTUALLY work to make a living as well. I urge people to understand this simple fact of life and stop being so self-entitled. This is YOUR story, Tanya. You control the pace of your own story. We readers are here to read and enjoy the chapter, NOT to demand the writers to release chapters more often. Anywho.... Who was that super saintess that saved Euphee? 😱 And the girl power cavalry is here! Yeah! 😍 But...... Oh my, so bold of you, Ms. Summers. Will you bring summer joys to this Mr. my-eyes-change-color-skillz Hansel? Oohlala. 😍

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Omg my other ship sailed 🚢, thanks for the chapter author 💞 and Author ignore the hate comment they're just people who have nothing to do with there live 🙄 it's ok to not updated frequently I hope that you got enough rest and LOVE LOVE U SO MUCH 💞 AND THANK YOU THANKKK YOU FOR CREATING THIS NOVEL (≧▽≦)

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i love the story and i'm really mad at the fact that people are hating because of the update schedule. Do remember that one has reached success when there is hate. It is an amazing story and I will be waiting for more updates. Thank you!

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Rather than frequent updates I prefer good story... there are people who are too much desperate but we can't do anything about it... Best of luck and take your time I'm looking forward for the changes that will be further to say that the author made such a joke out of me I wanted to know how he would react to her request of sleeping together

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p.s it's never leaving my library so please continue to write and update at least once or twice a week we believe in you dear author. 🥰

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unique and beautiful it's not everyday that we read a book like yours with the supposed villain getting the happy ending...and I love it,

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I don't mind how long it takes as long as I get to read the wonderful and interesting story you've written start to finish.

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such a beautiful story Tanya....and don't mind those ppl bcoz they don't hve work to do. Keep going...All the very best.

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I was falling down the cliff and author gave me cliff hanger... Now I will not be able to sleep😭😭😭

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I totally understand ive been thinking of writing a Webnovel myself but have been too scared Of regular updateds, i hope non of my comments have come across as a diss ive thoroughly Enjoyed your novel so far and look forward to more In the spring and I hope you wont feel pressured to update sooner than you feel the need to i’ll be here for your next update and probably be rereading it a couple times inbetween

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OMG, thank you, thank you, this store is by far my favorite of all stores. Your book author is the definition of

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Thank u very much for the great story. It is fun to read. The writing style is pleasant to read. In some chases i was thinking a professionell was writing the story. Great job. keep going [img=recommend]

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Hey Tanya... First of all it's fine if you can't post a chapter daily... though I'll miss it... *honest feelings*...😉 As being a writer myself I understand quite a few of your problems and those are enough to stop me from urging you to post something everyday... Secondly, Great Work...! I have learnt a lot from your writing skills apart from enjoying reading it... So yeah! keep up the good work...🎉🎉💯 Well... I'm just a student so I don't have my own money as of now so that I can buy as many chapters as I want and read them non-stop... but I'll wait for free passes and 24-hrs free reading which by the way is really rare as of now but I will read all the chapters... I love them💕💕 ALL THE VERY BEST.....

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I’m so sorry to hear that people are commenting things like that! You’re not obliged to share your story with us. You write because you want to. No one has the right to complain about that. I love your story so much and I hope you’ll be able to share more of it with us (in your own time). Cheers, Tanya!

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Thank you for this story T.T Now you're getting more into webnovels I just never expected to find a treasure❤



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love the story hope to read more of it soon! Ignore the haters!

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I'm hooked! I'm so excited for new chapters! I eagerly await!

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Great So Far!