
Comments of chapter undefined of Pokemon: Master of tactics

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Debates are fun. Arguments are entertaining. The novel is a piece if art now

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I don't really get the argument but I only skimmed through it.. Does anyone think that while the MC gets stronger everyone else just sits around doing nothing? Maria could have been training hard OR doing missions from Team Rocket which should give some decent resources/money OR steal them from someone rich since they are Team Rocket after all. Also it it should be easy to level 40 for talented people and after that they are going to naturally slow down (Unless your name is Steven Stone with an OP Metagross lol, then you just have the best Pokemon and resources to become a champion easily). I personally likes the way the story is going now and I don't think it needs any fixing for now

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Its kind of wrong to compare Maria and Lisa. Maria is one of the top rookies of TR while Lisa is just a 'meh' member that managed ranked up to executive. Maria on the other hand is seen as the future top of TR so it would be logical for her to get more benefits to help strengthen her pokemon (or get a pokemon as reward). Alex didnt get anything because he didnt compete in that tournament, so he wasnt seen as much untill now. After being defeated by a (then) Golbat despite having a better starting point Maria started training harder. It also wouldnt be difficult to use her status as top rookie to take better paying missions or get access to high quality items in the shop before the normal members. After all these items would have more value on someone like Maria than on a random low member. Also what did he expect? Why would elite trainers have bronze pokemon. Theyll be old bags before even 1 pokemon gets past elite. Obviously the strongest trainers in the regions have at least silver. Silver pokemon arent actually rare to elites. Its just not worth catching and selling (since not all trainers are willing to got to the black market for it and they dont have a reliable way to acquire them to make it worth catching and selling). But obviously the higher level areas also means higher the ranks of pokemon living there. People sometimes dont think. All in all I think there arent that much (if any) plotholes and youre doing a great job writing a fun and entertaining story. Dont let it get to you.

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I think I would find it helpful if you explained more in depth about the potential ranking system because right now it feels like you’re bsing or just writing whatever is convenient to not make the mc super overpowered.

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Argumentative person, "What do you mean there would be power creep in a progressive novel based on a world with leveling being a feature?"

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I also want to add something more to the arguments. last time we saw pidgeot, it was already shallow gold. it means that might have been silver as pidgeot, which is not that rare. it has progressed to only gold. which is understandable. nidoqueen is shallow gold. which means that it must have been silver or deep silver. people don't know the difference between it. it's A-rank to them. aebok was Maria's beginners luck. of course, it takes talent to control and conquer such Pokémon. and gible was given by Giovanni, so it makes sense for it to be gold. if u actually use your mind, there is nothing wrong with the situation to begin with. I feel like only those who are not seeing the full picture are complaining. and I think it is shown properly that Maria is a hard-working and talent trainer. she also has good relation with Lisa. so saying that she is so strong bcz of plot armour would be incorrect.

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btw, having gold Pokémon is not rare. trainers can improve their potential with items. having Pokémon already born with gold talent is rare.

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For a Pokémon to evolve from Deep Gold to Swallow Diamond, it needs to fight and cultivate at the same time, because if its potential increases, its body won't be able to keep up with the Pokémon's evolution. idea here

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Another great chapter and the reasoning in the author’s note is well explained and made total sense. Thank you author-san and editor-san 😃

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this story has amazing progression so far. At least we didn't start out with all the op people cause then this would be boring. That guy was just trying to make Maria sound like a gold digger in my opinion and didn't think someone would start destroying him. XD

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Great chapter as always! Most pokemon fanfics usually stop updating after 30 chapters so Im really glad this one is still going on. This novel honestly inspired me to replay pokemon sword because I wanted to use tactics like alex. To bad the game doesnt have that freedom

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when I saw the length of the chapter I almost cried with joy, but now I'm crying I'm laughing seeing how easily the author refuted the arguments of people who don't like Maria's progress I understand that initially it must be strange to see Maria with so many Pokémon good high potential, but analyzing her team from the beginning, it would be strange if it was weak The author could show some of Alex's battles against other normal trainers, we readers are getting used to seeing him fighting monsters with insanely high talents, but are forgetting that these coaches are very rare, and that there are hundreds of weak coaches for every strong coach Alex encounters.

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That person has horrible reading skill, that is the reason to try that route, that is my guess. The novel is very well balanced on their progression. Thanks for the Chapter.

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dude dont listen others you doing a greatjob and others dont understand how difficult to write a good world backgrounded and balanced book

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Man, that rant at the end was top tier. Super entertaining to read, hehe. Thanks for the chapter, and so far author you've done an astounding job so no need to worry about readers that do not have the minimum amount of insight to actually get the points you want to make. And heck, I'm considering re-reading this fic

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hey great work again keep it up 👍

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Thanks for the chapter author and editor sama 😊

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Sry if I am being pushy, but I would really like to know the answer to this question. Is Nidoqueen the Pokemon that Maria got from her egg for winning 3rd place in Kanto tournament? Marco got a Larvitar for winning, but Giovanni said the other two eggs were also pretty rare though not as rare, but a silver Nidoran shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as a Gold Larvitar. Maybe if it was shallow gold at beginning, it would have made more sense.

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Thanks for the chapter I like the last part.

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Thanks for the chapter.

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Thanks for the chapter Wish you well author Keep up the good work