
Comments of chapter undefined of FROM CHIEF TO THE EMPEROR


He will definitely need to change, but i hope he will keep his morals and decency........ Bringing the Light of God and Civilization to these barbarians could be good, but if he becomes a tyrant, that would be boring. I want him to be strong, smart and ruthless when he needs to, but benevolent and wise at the same time. I would become a tribal leader first, then teach/beat into them them to behave and listen as that is their language most likely, then slowly convert them to a version of Christianity with focus on changing their world view, so that when he teaches them some tech/science, they do not go and misuse it. Life in those times was short, ruthless, and people might have killed each other for the few little things that they possessed....... just imagine how much they would fight for something the MC could make, so he has to be careful!


Even if there had been no religion, society could move forward, even more breakthroughs are likely to be included, it is not a matter of religion, it is a matter of culture, culture can be used to dictate how you want society to be, so in my opinion there is no need for a religion

I_love_magic:Yeah? Do you really think science could have developed in a world lacking stability, which is thanks to the exact things you so despise, because in a world without morals and decency no one would even bother with it. They would just rule over the ashes of whatever they could take, and we humans are capable of untold destruction and cruelty, which i would not wish for anyone to experience. Your world view is VERY immature, and i know it has been three months(i only found the comment now), so i can only hope that you changed....... but whatever. All you have to know is that without stability, there is no civilization, and without civilization there is no advancement. Why do you think we developed sciences exactly these past centuries, if not for the relative stability and morality of the Christian civilization in Europe?! Why did it happen here in Europe, under this Religion which is mostly teachings about morals and decency, and why now?! We humans have existed for untold millennia, the people were relatively same biologically for quite some time, and unless you believe they received memory implants from aliens or something, even you must realize that there had to be a reason....... science and the thinking that led to it did not just come out of thin air right at the age of Enlightenment, it was building up gradually under the "stupid" moral Civilization you so despise, so you should really give it what is it's due! And before you come at me with bullshit like this Civilization being trash, along with the religion or something, just imagine what would it be like without it. Your sorry ass would most likely be dead, or could not even exist, and we would still be playing with swords and spears for centuries, just like our ancestors did for thousands of years!!

Thanks for the chapter


What do you mean it didn't happen until now? Clear up that part, I mean, I don't know what you're talking about when you say it hasn't happened so far, what is it that hasn't happened so far? But anyway I will answer you, in existence there are infinite places in each place anything can happen, in that is the answer, existence does not care how things are or what happens in your life, there is no book that dictate how things should happen, after all many kill and leave unpunished, you say that they should be in jail, but this is not the case, our future and present will be dictated by our past and present development, something can develop in any way and it can have any result, it does not matter if it is based on a lie or on a truth


Lmao savages know how to use fire even if they do not know how to make it


Am i the only one that remembers the system failure thing??? I really wanna know what that was about lol