
Comments of chapter undefined of The Adventures Of The Young Master


Lesson learned : Never buy privilege because you never know when the author decides to skip that month where you spent your hard earned money. The most basic courtesy that the author can do for its readers is to post a free chapter at the beginning to let the readers know that he can’t post chapters regularly in the month so as to not waste a reader’s money. Its not like we want the author to keep writing without any care….But this is the least the author can do for its readers. But never mind, I will from now on not spend my hard earned money for this book anymore. Because this is also not the first time this has happened. But I hope the author and his family is in good health.


That's why I am happy I haven't bought privileged chapters. I am not at a loss. Nevertheless I hope everyone is healthy and all right :)


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


When Are you updating more chapters? Hope you’re doing fine!:)