
Comments of chapter undefined of My Once Handsome Husband

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She so frustrates me, as she never seems to actually listen and let Vincent talk. one mouth two ears


Oops It hard to comment clearly on here sometimes. what i was saying is basically if they both would quit making decisions for the other, hear what each of them has to say and make their own choIces together. Though most people in general dont follow listening and allowing /accepting choices. just a story and sadly how alot of people act Think they are sparing the others feelings when in truth they are not. Just some thoughts

Amy_Prevosst:I agree but I am also a little frustrated with Vincent. Delaney wants to be with him and now she feels a baby is the only way to do so. I think she would gladly stay with him simply because of her love for him but he won’t allow that now because of their deal. I don’t see how he thinks she’s just going to move on and be happy with someone else when she truly (l believe ) loves him. That’s not how love works.

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There has to be something someone can do to help Vincent. So sad.....🥺He needs to tell Delaney though. Hiding the truth and telling half truths hasn’t helped either of them so far.

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Delaney is so selfish She tries not to be, but it always comes back to poor her. The plight of most people I guess; cannot see things from others viewpoints.

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still wish Delaney and Ian got together, Vincent has lied to her


I. Can’t. Deal.


Please let ther be something to help Vincent!! I am relieved that he is the one who found her, and that he finally started to tell her more. However, I am frustrated with Delaney that she cut him off and frustrated with him that he didn’t finish what he was saying! Ugh! Let me go find my tissues as I cry...