
Comments of chapter undefined of DOMINUS ETERNAL


Wonderful and moving guardian.I hate mc for so selfless yet being in such a universe even a side character or a mob character will satisfy me. But answer me (1).why mc is bend on saving every human so desperatly even harming himself??


Sorry for not answering. Have army shifts spanning 48 hours. Now pertaining to your question, there isn't only one reason he behaves the way he does. It will be explained fully in the future. But some things have already been mentioned as to why he does what he does. Only they are subtle or indirect. The more selfless he seems, the more amused I am, and that's how he should seem at this point; the story is just beginning. I mentioned multiple times his the epitome of pure evil. It's just in his madness came revelation about one of the greatest meanings of life or maybe even the true meaning of life who knows. Also, can you even imagine wasting trillions of years to create something that gets taken away in an instant! Would you agree to such an outcome? His actions seem selfless but are they?!


U mean to say not for other betterment but for his long term end goal these are his pre plans like saving everybody. Q. U didn't mention mc power level compare to any being who can be refer to as immortal or god as he is a little too op.

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