
Comments of chapter undefined of In DC Universe with my Wishes (Rewriting in the process)

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Don't listen to haters u be u

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Kinda disappointed it isnt a new chap but i gotta say you do you Author-sama, haters just gonna hate ignore them but dont ignore positive critics Personally though love the fanfic so far so dont chenge shit just because someone tells you to like i said you do you

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huh well haters gonna hate ironically waste their breathe on spreading it. fanfic is made by the fans if they think they can do better they can write and not read this/fanfics. just do you. it's good so far.

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I thought it was chapter

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Beautifully said and this fan fic is a 7/10 for me, the -3 points for me is because 1 no novel is perfect there is always room to improve. 2 backstory is a bit heavy for my taste but then again who remembers that in the later chapters so i tend to give that point back when I forget the backstory. lastly 3 is a wish that MC does 1 handed jutsus', and for his sunshine magic to merge with his chakra and effect his eye power making it lets say gold with white tomoe while instead of being "crow" eyes it is "golden crow" eyes (you know the 3 legged crow representing the sun) for me it would just make more sense for me. Spoiler up ahead if author was planning to do this sorry they were just what I thought would happen when MC wish for those eye powers and sunshine (my thoughts Obito's eye power would change to where instead of it being darkness with platforms it is forever sunny with stars and a land mass representing your chakra instead of that black fire eye power that burns till you put it out it could change to a dark/black gold fire that purifies/heals negative energy/damage the Susanoo armor changes to white with gold wings and a flaming sword after the archangel another would be when your eyes evolve the turn into the goddess clan eyes from where the sunshine power comes from

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chapter bro we need to read this epic book.

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Bruh don't tell me you're gonna drop because of a few critics grow a back bone

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Man **** the Haters bro at The end of the day you still grinding so keep Yah cool and move on g

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I've got to say, enjoying the book so far. I can actually understand the thought process from both sides (mc and hypolita) the reactions or reasons for holding back.

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Hilarious haters, like I said ignore them, don't waste your time with them, they are just trying to push their personal test onto you while it's a pretty damn good book anyway, waiting for the next chap pal

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feel bad for you dude. webnovel an fanfiction . net can be toxic. if you want constructive criticism and good people. i recommend questionable questing. people there are nice

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Dude, believe it or not, there's no such thing as the perfect book. Even if you were to write the perfect book, there's always gonna be that one f***er that'll be like 'that sucks', so just do you man!

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Thanks for the chapter keep writing and hope you post soon new chapters keep up with new chapters and updates

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wow u savage author San and that's good keep being you and about your group mates whoever they are tell whoever is in charge about it and mabey you can get some sorts refund of partner's but if your teachers like that to just dont do it and flipping kick anyone in your way but once again you do you sorry if this seems offensive by the way just trying to show my support

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I like how you wrote this up personally i had no problems with the chapter and it showed character development. well thats how i took it in when i read it[img=update][img=update][img=update]

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No pasa nada Escribe como quieras

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I Like The Chapter And The Stories ... The Haters Are....Haters Their Work Is To Hate Don't Listen To Them Do Your Thing I Am Supporting You 🤠


You can get stones because color is not a good fit for the size of the flower shop that sells them

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i will just say they wrote a story and speak after before being hater

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I don't recall my criticisms. MC is an OP 10 year old for one month training with warriors. I don't expect much beyond everyone involved discovering things while getting stronger. I'm curious if that nightmare about his important people from his previous life was just his subconscious mind or some higher dimensions jerk dickin him around. I'll keep reading to maybe know more later.