
Comments of chapter undefined of The Canis Lycaon

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I do not know about the others but the chapter did really flutter my ♥️. Wat have u done to me authorsan? 🤷‍♀️

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This is for our Dear Author, who's been infected by greed and gluttony. Let's give this fate a chance; a profound statement indeed. If someone who's often aloof, indifferent and cold says it to someone who's been trying again and again, the magical effect unleashed is 3 times the intended... or so I think. It's good that despite her flaws, self-control is not one of Alexa's otherwise, we all know that meeting Lou on her return from the bath, with the partially wet hair, indecent towel and the fresh sultry fragrance wafting from her body... the list goes on and on, but come on! You can't blame someone for being too beautiful 'cause there's always a sky above a sky, mountain above a mountain. Your soulmate is the only one who seems to enter your eyes only, whose presence may be a blessing or aphrodisiac in disguise. Life could not be more vibrant. Since one often knows not what they have until it's gone, it's advisable to cherish your mate by creating immortal moments and memories before the Grim Reaper comes knocking; everyone is mortal, that's the reality. I'm out of words for now but each chapter seems to barge into my body, soul, mind and heart so much so that it's excruciatingly debilitating so... On the days each chapter of this story was released, I thank our Dear Author so much for making my days.

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So finally Alexa opened her heart'for Lou!! I wonder when will Lou tell Alexa about her real identity....I wish it won't create any misunderstanding between them....I want them to avenge Alexa's parents' murderers together.....

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Finally Alexa!, let the fluff start💓

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Just look at what love can do to you. Ahhh.. the power of being in love .From being a moody and cold Alexa to a sweet and smiling one. Is it too early to ask for babies? Yeah? Okay. Sorry. No babies? Sure? Hmm.. okay. Thank you for the chapter, author. I think I've caught up. Waiting game again ❤️❤️❤️

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Wait, this is the latest one. Gosh, it's so beautiful. Man! Hahaha. How can people write like this? It's so great! Love this 💖

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See this! I just gifted the story: Lollipop

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See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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YESSSSS FINALLY🤭 Ahhhh thank you for this wonderful chapter!!

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Y did I feel like I'm in lou position.. ? Aiyeeee! Too much butterflies in my stomach. 🥰🥰