
Comments of chapter undefined of 1453: Revival of Byzantium

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in theory most thing's can be done, as a construction worker I have to deal with the practical quite a lot... and I have to say that, pleasing a woman is far easier in practice than to follow what the engineers have cooked up. xD

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Well it's like workplace, nothing is quite like the other. They might require new techniques you've yet to learn or master, or it's such a thing that you need to even sit down and study how others have approached the subject cause your lost or too inexperienced in the field to have a foundation to work with. But communication is vital, cause it's you and your partner. or maybe it's a crowed place so there's more hands on deck, so don't be afraid to ask around, and if no one is experienced then all I have to say is good luck, and may whatever diety you worship, give you strength cause you'll need it. And remember it's not about getting it done, but to feel as if you've come out with more understanding then you started with. 👍 (hopefully it's more insightful then just meanderings)

SaberFate:teach me senpai I have 0 experience in this field of studies