
Comments of chapter undefined of Villain Cultivator


1 chapter read to all https://***.webnovel.com/book/i-hunt-protagonists._19631164305791805/what-i-always-wanted._52697084427557882


I'll think ill just skip most r18 scence in the future , i really have no interest in tentacles or gangb*ngs


I hope, due to the system's capping of CAO Mao's strength, his foundations were completely solid and increased his strength over time! Therefore... I hope that no matter who it is or where they are, I hope Cao Mao is the strongest compared to every other cultivator at the exact same rank as him!


OwO Aw man, leaving us hanging... I'm slightly regretting having gotten the highest privilege available, just cause now I have to wait for each chapter oof


Thanks for the Chapter❤❤❤ But dear Author could you explain why he is a shota in his incubus form?? Is it, bc the Asmodeus bloodline isnt completed yet or is it just the normal body for incubi, so all incubis are shotas?


Thanks for the chapter!!!Now that the Pylon Tower is completed, Cao Mao better start enriching the surroundings with Water Qi, Blood Qi, and elemental resources. His City will then have various forms of exports and could start hoarding all the Ancient Essence Cores. 😈😈😈😈😈 In this way, he can create a cycle of him buying and spending all the cores. With enough time, he will control the flow of new currencies throughout the continent and will have influence in many businesses....... Muahahaahah


Thanks for the chapter Cao Mao can now transform into any woman’s type. Time to hunt the protagonist!


So, no one is going to pay attention to Ju Shoufen's statement about women loving g*ngb*ngs? 😂😂😂 I am really starting to wonder whether she was one of Xianxia characters who were raised by animals during their childhood. 😂 😂 I wouldn't be surprised if her baby father was someone she r@ped and cared for, like the original owner of a certain character's body in a Xianxia novel for females. On another note, I am pretty sure that she and the Cao Manor would probably have angered most of the female population to death if they heard about the situation/conversation. Most of those ancient Chinese females are prudes, very traditional, or not corrupted by Cao Mao (yet), so they might really get disgusted or try to kill the harem....😂😂😂 I kinda want to see the female practitioners of the world gossip about or try to kill the harem now, since it would be funny to see some face slapping.


.....I guess this means that Cao Mao didn't acquire the Incubus Bloodline or gain any progress in any physique after all. 😭😭......That sucks, buy in any case, here are the concerns: 1. So, is this chapter implying that his [Asmodeus] Bloodline is still unstable or that it is just a chimera Bloodline? After all, we never found out why and how he was able to do any of those things despite being asleep and preoccupied with his survival, which is a super bad sign if anyone stopped to think about it. On the other hand, if his new forms are due to shape shifting skill, the skill would imply that Cao Mao has a Doppelganger Bloodline or that the Asmodeus race was actually a chimera rather than a proper race with its own 1-3 traits. 2. I brought up the previous point, because DamnPlotArmor-sama needs to explicitly state whether Cao Mao has an unstable and incomplete Bloodline that can't show its true power/form or whether he is creating a Humanoid Chimera Bloodline that is a mismash of several monster beasts and demons. Cao Mao will have different types of developments and expectations depending on whether he is reawakening the power of an ancient race or whether he is recreating an ancient experiment/weapon. For example, the creators didn't treat the development of a Saiyans (Dragon Ball Z anime) and the development of Majin Buu (DBZ anime) in the same way. 3. Make sure to NOT give the Asmodeus Bloodline every single perk ancy ability of the component Bloodlines. No single race or Bloodline can have every ability, since doing so will limit plot development and will destroy the boundaries of race/bloodline.....If the Bloodlines have been fused into something new, I sincerely hope that DPA-dama properly treats the component bloodlines (and most of their individual traits) as discarded, because Cao Mao will have to work on the 2-3 traits of the [Asmodeus] Bloodline rather than dealing with all the forms and abilities of those individual Bloodlines that are no longer inside of him. 4. Is the shape shifting limited to certain forms? If not, Cao Mao could train himself into taking animal forms, changing his limbs during attacks, changing his sensory organs when needed, how to fight in different environments, gaining proficiency in the [Disguiser] occupation, etc. The shape shifting skill would be a great Bloodline skill anyway . 5. Oh yeah, if the Asmodeus Bloodline is going for the unstable route, I recommend for Cao Mao to feel his insides boil or atrophy for a short period. Along with his apparent "sleepwalking," another change could be that he coughs up blood due to using anything other than his human form for too long or too much. These inconveniences will pressure Cao Mao to hurrying up with his side quest until his body is better stabilized. 6. Don't forget to leave some human wives in his harem. It feels like human discrimination if Cao Mao gets rid of all humans from his harem. Moreover, humans tend to have an easier time in progressing into higher realms most of the time. 7. I am not sure whether DPA-sama forgot or mistyped, but the goblet is making water that has diluted medicine inside/mixed into it. Therefore, the moat and pond are not his blood.....unless the text was trying to say that the medicinal water mixed with the Blood Sea water at some point in time.


I just realised Cao Mao could use the wings to fly, so he wouldn't use up his reserves and power! Wah, that's awesome


So his main body is changing, Incubus Wings and an Orc's Reproductive System, can't wait to see what is next. Though RIP Wei Yuan, she can't take advantage of Yin Slave status. It will be a lot harder for her to keep up.


Thanks for the chapter


UwU, Cao Mao's thoughts about his strength at the beginning of the chapter both surprised and pleased me! I'm glad he was also thinking about getting stronger, but then Yuan's argument over her and the slaves tryna catch up to him instead was both funny yet shocking 😂


Shotacons, the lot of them 👀😂


Tentacles?! 😂


Thanks for the chapter!


Looking forward to the next chapter~ 🍀


Thank you for the chapter~ 🍀


