
Comments of chapter undefined of The Romantic Cultivator

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I understand the need to minimize drama, but the reunion of two characters with this much history requires it. Also, no sane mature adult will drop the "I love you" bomb here, that too in public. Even if he had an ulterior motive, the timing of this makes no sense. JY's assist in this matter is also unnecessary. I would strongly suggest rewriting the dialogue in this chapter. It is too simplistic where more nuance is necessary.

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Also this guy just strolled into the place expecting her to come with him after everything he pulled and didn’t offer an apology or to atone. Achilles does not love Tina if he did he wouldn’t have tricked her, lied to her, thrown her away, and let her be used as an object with no future he threw her and their daughter away like garbage. Having her go back makes no sense whatsoever.

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Thanks for the chapter!


Just saw the comments by everyone. Actually there are a few crucials that quite important. Ai Tina can't stay in the Spirit Divine Realm for too long and she has to return to the Greater Spirit Realm soon or later. Also Achille is technically the most superior immortal divine lord now and he offered her something to right the wrong in the next chapter.

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Since everybody else is commenting about it. I think that Achilles was handled ok as long as he doesn't get an instant redemption. I think that there isn't any problem with him as long as you paint everything as a misunderstanding and that he didn't mean to betray her but got forced.

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Thanks for the chapter


Well thnx for the journey I guess Achilles abandoned his daughter tricked Tina into leaving her and never interacting with her and left her to the 6 lords hands to do with as they please without ever trying to help her yet you want me to just accept she would go back with this piece of garbage? Sorry but no this is so disgusting that I cannot even express it in words so I’ll be dropping this series here.