
Comments of chapter undefined of Royal Pokemon Online


This story really needs work editing, there are too many errors mispelling the polemon names and species. Then are several things than are just confusing about the system all the way from the beginning. The leveling, the stats, the skills, the pokemon, the quest... there are a lot of things and It's so frustrating not understand It. The thing is, that this problem is accumulative, we are at chapter 21. We know the personality of the MC but the system and the world are full of holes. My recomendations, first a full editing of the previous chapters, so that new readers don't abandon the story because of the errors and confusion. Second, simplify the system more, it's too complex. The skills don't feel really game like enough too. This is supposed to be a game... a very detailed game, but it's absurd. Third, the part of the group could have been an introduction to the different clases (that the MC will not have) but we didn't see much, a guy shooting arrows and girls crying... yep that could have been handed better 😂.


And as for the question of other continents like Hoeen, galar, Kalos. You are very emotional, The story has just begun. This is not a 150 chapter fanfic. It's going to be too big and I don't even know why you're thinking about it. But I've already thought about their opening, relax


Good stuff so far.if I was in this situation I would probably try to recreate a "team" for fun.


thanks for the chapter