
Comments of chapter undefined of Death... and me


Wait! So if I was right and Ludo f*cked the fairy queen he did their sister?

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I don’t know how to feel about this


So how long have Rean and Roan been gone since their planet’s destruction then? That long transfer by the Soul Gem System probably took much longer that I thought. 🤔


Actually this implies a lot more. Like the fact that if, theorethically, a way to restore Sunkan and it’s victims was possible then Rana would not be a part of that group since she exists now. Or more likely the fact that people’s souls have already run their course and started anew means that Sunkan will never be fully restored nor will we go back to it. Which to be fair seems to just be something that is accepted for every location that we visit since once an arc/area runs it’s course we never really return to it. This story constantly keeps moving and introducing new things. I also know now why I didn’t like this so much about Rana, and that’s because I was always seeing her as somebody who would look up to Rean and Roan and now she is basically their senior in a lot of ways. The lack of satisfying development that we missed out on is what’s getting to me. On another note I find it interesting that rarely, if ever, are we presented with a chapter from the eyes of somebody else in a separate area from Rean and Roan. The focus never leaves them. If they aren’t the main pov in the story, they are still somewhere nearby or being involved with the temp pov


How to delicately explain that you're the reason your home planet exploded and your family including your sister died to that same sister? Waiting online quick!


I have to say that I wasn't expecting this. I'm not yet sure if everyone from the Sunkan Planet will be reborn in the Realm of to the Gods with their memories intact, but it would be an interesting way to "restore" the planet. It won't undo what happened, but it would give them a chance to meet others of their own planet once again. I actually kinda like that, as everything wouldn't be magically fixed to be exactly the same as before.


Thanks for the Chapter! Tbh I'm not really satisfied with *this*, Imo it would have been better if they were just dead, and not reincarnated somewhere else...


Thanks for the chapters! Didn‘t expect this!


A family reunion... Nice😊 Thanks for the chapter


Bomb Drop. BOOOOM! Whoa. Mind is blown. Can't wait to see how this progresses.