
Comments of chapter undefined of Death... and me


bring it back


I really do wish the planet wasn’t destroyed and you continued with the original plotline. Everything built up destroyed and gone. All motivations and goals for that world also gone. I liked the suddeness and abruptness of the destruction, as that is entirely realistic, but I do think we left Sunkan too early. I still miss the Sunkan days and what could have been, and this world on the Zasfin planet has given me no real attachment to many characters or plotpoints. Uprooting an entire story and replacing it with a new one. It overcomplicates things and devalues others. Planet level destruction has already happened, and almost all the closest people who I would fear dying have already perished. The world change feels like an excuse to move the plot and relationships along smoothly, because things couldn’t progress at a reasonable pace back on Sunkan. At this point I don’t even know the ages of anyone after so many “years passed in a flash” time skips. If you brought Sunkan back at this point it would just feel like you’re trying to appease the audience who want it back. A lot of plot feels forced into situations. You shouldn’t make it feel even more so.

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I did enjoy the time back on Sunkan with the twins but i feel like this was also a good decision, since the destruction of sunkan would give the twins a stronger conviction to get stronger, but i do miss their Family back in the Varen tribe. One more reason i feel like it should stay as is, Is because at the rate they were cultivating, They were worried that they wouldnt have enough time and resources to reach the Transition Realm, where as here, they have the recources they were lacking, also, The mission to make calina the Empress sorta felt a little too far Fetched for them only being in the core formation realm, and with the fight for the crown only a few years away, It just didn’t seem possible. Sunkan blowing up also gave the twins a reason to tell others about what they were trying to do and where they came from, so im glad they arent alone. I also like our favorite carrot eating bunny Red. I hope this feedback Helped, and thank you for all the work you do into making these stories entertaining for us.


after reading so many ideas in both discord and here, i feel like i know what to do.


It’s destroyed. dont bother to go back and revive the planet. Its better to leave the current planet and go forth to find Roan master from Sunkan.


Thb i didn't like that the planet was destroyed since i really liked how the plot was progressing at that point, but don't bring the planet back, it's to late now, even tho i'm not really invested in the new Characters, you should just continue with the current plot


please dont go back. i think everything has been done really well and like others have said whats done is done. can't wait to see what you have instore for us.


Unlike most people it wasn't the death of their family in the tribe that saddened me but their sect's. Still it's too late to go back and reviving the death people will just create plotholes in my opinion. I would probably say something very different if roan's master was dead as well, but he isn't. He was my fav character after twins together with Dorian, Malaka and Mia. Three of the four survived and that's enough for me.


Please no. Let it be destroyed. I love it that main/important chars can also die! Keep it up


At this point I think it would be odd to go back. Their cultivation Realms will also be much higher than before and its more like back tracking the plot than continuing it. Of course ,I also suspect you have a plot point that saved their family and others so I don't feel too much of an impact from their planet going boom :)


Hahaha is very late for me to tell you but the best possible outcome after the destruction would've been like this "the soul gem system actually teleports them to the past" hahahaha see is very easy be creative.


It is obvious that they will leave this planet too. Then what is the point of stirring up and turning over an already cooled corpse? This question made sense 100 chapters ago or more. It was actually a great twist. Worse, for example, than the death of one of the brothers, but much better than pianos in the bushes from other "fashion authors". The whole train left, there is no planet, although as far as I remember you left yourself a very big loophole. But return to this planet now, in my opinion, is a big mistake, closer to the end, it is possible. Where they can, in a few chapters, solve all the issues and move on to the last arc, for example.


Well, to be honest, at first I was quite bummed and even disappointed at that turn of events, but I would not take it back. What has been done, has been done. It is a shame that so many good characters went poof, so I personally would not mind if some mysterious experts in the Sasamil empire could have had some kind of equipment or skills that allowed them to save some people around them, who conveniently could have been people the MCs know.


Honestly I say keep it destroyed, we have 10 or so chars who survived from the Sasamil area by being near Old Worm or the emperor so I don't think we've seen the last of some plot relevant characters, like I can imagine the circuitry formation continuing because of Havek surviving.


I'm a bit late, but I'll share my opinion anyways. I actually didn't mind too much when the planet was destroyed. It was surprising, especially since they still had an ongoing quest, but I actually found it quite interesting that something came along and ruined all their plans. MCs usually tend to have everything go their way, so it was kinda refreshing to see the opposite. I was definitely sad when it happened, but that was because of the characters that I'd miss, like Droman, Havok, Reliance, and their tribe. As for the interrupted quest, I almost think that was for the best. Even if she could have been a good ruler (and with Roans teachings, she most likely would have been), she was just too young. Plus, I wanted her and Roan to be together, which would have made it difficult when they'd need to leave the planet. As for bringing the planet back .... I could go either way, but if I had to choose, I think it'd be interesting to see them actually get a quest to restore it. As for how that would work, I have no idea. Even though I would want the planet back, I wouldn't want them to really stay on it, or for the Empress quest to be reactivated. It could just be a place to visit (friends and family) and maybe share advancements in technology and cultivation with, since it is their home planet after all.


No need for Reviving. I just need to see a reunion! Even if it's just spiritually, I just want to see Roan and Rean's sister...their mother and father, Droman and Rean's rival, and others...sigh....besides Lakures Arc was thrashed just like that which was very unacceptable! What's the point of introducing them to the surface just to delete them after 3 chapters..🤦‍♂️


how about the Sunken planet didn't entirely get destroyed. the survivors worked hard to build up formation on a broken debris that once was part whole planet? creating a possibility of survival on it . also they harvest some of debris (resource that was still usable to create a space ship and city inside spaceship. a formation draws energy from the sun to run the ship power) just am idea. it's sad that we stopped at survivors that didn't die and yet we don't know what happened to them where did they go? did they survive after all these years. I think using formation and spiritual power to keep up harder while some worked on a vessel or something that could bring them to new place . or we can use then coincidentally they made ship and moved far toward planet rean and roan at. as if it was Destiny that led them there .


for me it would be recovering his tribe and family since that location was supposed to be some blessed cultivation land.


Destruction was pretty surprising and disappointing. There was many things that were in good progress and many challenges. It feels like you(Author) run from change. Whole empire successor plot was interesting, thanks to their low cultivation and position. It feels like you couldn't find way for them success or need this other planet journey to get their cultivation levels up so they could brutal forced it bit. This new journey is interesting too, but much less than original and there isn't so much attachment, but it would be pity to erase it and let humans be slaves. Best would have both coexist somehow (in same story). It would be complicated challenge, but not impossible(time travel with someone tricks to keep everything same, like memories alternation etc. (they will travel to other planet thinking that original was destroyed) or some planet reconstruction to last safe point etc. ) But I am not Author and don't know if I could write such plot twist good way.


I would have preferred it didn't blow up because there was a major storyline that just got unceremoniously and abruptly dumped. I (and I'm sure many others) was really invested in that plot and to have it just ignored was painful and did leave a gaping hole in the experience. Lack of resolution is unsatisfying. That said, do not retcon. It is gone. Be true to the story you have and the journey we are on with you. But thankfully you already had survivors, so I'm really hoping you tie them back into the story, so some of that arc can continue in a natural way. Let them be a big part again after this arc finishes.