
Comments of chapter undefined of Death... and me

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Pleaseee please don’t make malaka just a cute little girl for rean and roan to protect.I really need a female character whos strong and capable of rivaling the the mcs and not a weak and frilly decoration. I hope she gets a good character development and becomes capable of going head to head with the mcs. the answers roan btw


Thank you that made me really happy!!😊😊

Suiyan:She will improve, don't worry. Even I wouldn't want to ready a full protection book until the end.

Roan's side (after reading all these novels). They started training the kids young in this world/culture, trained against beasts already. She should be fine. Rean is a softie.


She shouldn’t kill them but it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t. Rean should slit his throat.


They are both right. If you allow bandits to live they will continue. If you hold back you could die... But if they forced her to kill outside of combat she could also decide she didn't wanna be a warrior.


I have a feeling inna is gonna form a crush for rean I can see it

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I'm dropping this~~ the first few chapters really gave me fun and all seemed good until the emergence of this somehow 3rd party. Sorry, but I was not expecting for them to babysit a teammate... she can't even kill someone, ha! Please remember why she even is going with our mcs, isn't it because she's way more powerful than normals? She's not there to be a dead weight! She's there to help them! But all I can see is this shy but shameless sucking leech that couldn't do anything better than cry after being humiliated! Oh yes, she's an 8 year old child! But then, aren't our mcs also 8yrs old? What I'm saying is that she should just go back to her normal class. I'm telling you, it's better to be the best of the class than be a baby for our mcs to carry! Then now they let this bandit go! Who the f in their right nind would do that? What would happen if word spreads that three 8-years-old children are at that high level?! Ah, don't worry this will only make others covet them and/or be wary of their tribe ending with more problems. I was expecting for a two person novel without a semi-main like inna to barge in since that's what the title seems to say 'Death and Me' could've made it into 'Death and Me, with Inna'. Also, I guess she's the person in the middle of the cover? Anyways, I'm done with this... thanks for the happy and funny early chaps!

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rean because he is still human where as roan still needs lots of experience to become one. Also its another story killing the one you defeated and one who is attacking you. self defence versus coldblooded murder is different and no real excuse makes it lighter.


I agree with Rean on this one. My standpoint comes from a basic understanding of cognitive development. I would have her wait until she has entered the "Formal Operational stage of Piaget's cognitive stages of development." At that stage, adolescents begin to understand and apply more abstract concepts and hypotheticals. Before that stage, there really can't be any kind of understanding of ethics or morality which is necessary for a balanced individual regardless of whether or not they need to kill other humans. That age is generally assumed to be around 11+ when the child begins to encroach on puberty. Having her confront this idea ahead of time could potentially nudge her mindset and development closer to the Formal Operational stage which would lower the "age requirement." Keep in mind that the different stages of cognitive development are not entirely strict but they each follow after the other you can't skip any stages, and there isn't a strict predetermined age at which they reach these various stages. ( I've been your host on today's practical psychology lesson 😋😉)


I take the audience's side,cause both of them are right and fun to watch


roan is better

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Feel like bandits can reveal how powerful the kids are and cause problems Kind of a loose end imo


A live enemy is one that can come back a dead one never can Roan should have killed them both and kept their power a secret now those jits will go to some other tribe and tell about them being in the forest Not that they got their ases handed to them by kids.


it seems to me that the author is creating a problem with the improvement of the malaka. she is just blue talent and she is already catching up with them even though she started training a some years later. If blue is already this fast then a kid with purple would have surpassed them by now.


Reans side ya shouldn't kill but beat the crap out of them so they know to stop or it could happen again


Neither. If she or Rean wasn’t going to do it, Roan should have did it anyways. That group probably killed others before anyways and it would save the world some trouble. Maybe even gave them some destiny points 😂


letting them live after all that just leaves the chance for forced drama cause they will spread the news to get revenge. if that doesn't happen then i will be shocked but happy. also this information can affect how the comming war will go.


Middle Ground. Wouldn't make her kill an unarmed man. but I would have killed the two bandits myself and not let them leave.

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i kinda wanna see how a darker version of Rean will be like, but it would be cool if his personality was influenced by Roans and Roans personality influenced by Reans 🤔

