
Comments of chapter undefined of Playful Hearts On A Boundary Line [BL]

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I'm glad Adrian did this. It will hurt for some time, but at least he'll not be throwing his life away. And who ever stopped Johan from choosing Russell all this time? If Rus was all he wanted, he shouldn't have raised hopes in all others...Ray, Alden, Adrian. He never meant to be with any of them, but made things such that they would eventually leave. Adrian tried to stick to him, even accepting the disgusting threesome with Rus involved, but wasn't it a clear indication that Rus was more important than him to Johan? So why would he not leave? I don't want them to get back together even in future. Adrian deserves much better...non toxic, non twisted partner.


Couldnt have Said it better👏🏽

Ttom9:The worst thing is all these guys Ray, Alden or Adrian actually loved him and it seems he was never really in love with any of them. He was fooling himself probably and when things got serious, he would want to end it and run back to Rus.

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Wasn't Adrian doing the same thing to Johan at the start of the story? He kept leading him on, and cheating on Rhia as well, with no intention of breaking up with either. At least Johan made his intentions—as much as I don't condone it—clear from the start. I hope Johan chooses Russell, and Adrian chooses Germany. Still don't like the sister. As much as I don't like Adrian, I still think his sister should, because she would know him better than almost anyone.

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I hope that Adrian goes to Germany and heals himself, grows up, get to a better place and find real love.

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I just want Adrian to leave cos I think he has paid for what he did at the beginning of the story. Karma is real. Adrian go to Germany Johan should end up with Russell

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See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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I don't like d ending at all he don't deserve it