
Comments of chapter undefined of Contract with the Demon King (BL)

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please continue this story dear author, no matter how long it takes. it's come to a dark place but it is still hell of a Story

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Welcome back Val. Please finish this story but take your time and of course I will read your new storyšŸ¤©

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Where is the new Book? Ive read many many BLā€™s over the last yr & This has Been in my top 3! I luv the characters & all the plot twists. IF i have to read another of your amazinf stories to get the end of this, then so be it. These stories have therapic to so many during these trying times. I hope u can find some solace & peace with your struggles knowing that you are helping others temporarily escapešŸ¤—

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I don't mind if you take your time with this! I just hope you'll be down to finish it up, even if updates are sporadic or spread out. I've found your book(s) to be one of the very, very, few that's actually pretty much completely free of the characters "dominating" and "teasing" etc (actually manipulating, coercing, pressuring, and ignoring no) the romantic lead and I really appreciate that as I notice stories doing that more and more. also I only say pretty much because I haven't reread the story in a bit and there was the beginning circumstances which was completely justified in the story and it was more one party being awkward about it lol. I'm completely good with all that I've read between them. It's really nice to have a relationship where both are actually accepting the other from the get go (more or less lol, circumstances) instead of one side just forcing it and that they actual communicate. In short I hope you do finish the story but it's of course your story and your choice. I'll read your works either way!


I love this story soooo much. I have come to feel close to all the characters in it and wish I was editing it so I could go over it many times. I love it that much. Please donā€™ lose interest in this story. šŸ„€t


Iā€™ve been binging this story since my daughter went off with her dad for Winter Break. I must say this is one of the best stories Iā€™ve read. Iā€™ve fallen in love with the characters and story itself My many thanks to you and Iā€™ll support your new story too. Thank you so much. This story makes my life less lonely and I appreciate it. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø Much love and respect!