
Comments of chapter undefined of Polymorph Swarm

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Do you have a release schedule, or is it random?


Good god, the space between the paragraphs disappeared, I look like I'm speaking in triple speed.

Egotistical:My intention is once a week. I might post several times a week if I feel particularly motivated, or to make up for late chapters. But then that's just leaning to random. And that's just what I *think* I'll do. Not like I have more than 4 chapters which I can use as data. I, honestly, have no, idea. I'll go for twice a week. From now on, it will be twice a week. And if I don't do it twice a week, I would be humiliating myself! I'm not pushing myself, I'm just a procrastinator... I wish for the day to be like those guys who write one dang chapter a day. If they could survive such torture, I could too. Now I'm just digging a hole for myself... Hope you enjoy reading!