
Comments of chapter undefined of That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!


Hope for a 5 ch release


It's been what, two weeks? I've had some time to come up with theories, but a lot of them have already been thrown out the window. One of the things that interested me the most here was Nux. His reveal will no doubt be fantastic, but the consistent delays are intriuging. People are either saying they don't have information, or send the gang off to other places. I think this is a trap laid by Nux. The information was given very easily, and the one who gave the information just happened to be in the place Briggo and Animak would look first? Sketchy. Birito's development, or lack thereof, in recent chapters is another thing. There hasn't at all been a focus on him, since there hasn't needed to be, which makes me think something is building for him. This kink trainer (I've forgotten the name) must have some sort of ability within him. He trains every kink user in Nuxturia, and so far none have been shown, but I can make an educated guess here. The trainer has a kink of his own (besides watching bdsm) which allows him to awaken the powers of kink users, and then mind control said users. It explains why he would so readily offer his services to someone accompanying Animak. It also puts him in a position of immense power, being able to control the Kink power of a nation, which further sets Nux up to be even stronger than that. Either way, I have something I must do. My kink theories have been grand, to say the least. Lots of twists, turns, intricate little abilities requiring a lot of activation conditions. From what we've seen, Kinks aren't like this. Even Animak has a simple one. Flight, and stronger when angry. So it's time for Revised Kink theory (part 1/?) Nux: As i've said, it needs to be strong enough to keep his nation in check. Briggo - stronger when pumped up Animak - stronger when angry Nux's should be along those lines, and I think it should play to not his own enotions like Animak, but the emotions of others. When there is a lot of anger directed at him, he gets agile enough to dodge everything, and when there is a lot of love directed at him, he gets the strength to break open someones skull with a flick. Perfect to tailor to his huge following. This was very long, thanks for reading if you did, see you next time

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Shmexy Forest is the greatest thing iVe heard lol


I'm betting that when they find Nux it is going to end up being Iron Mouse or Noble again because they are all the same person

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Great chapter boois, lookin forward to meeting Nuxanor. HYYYYYYPE!! Humor was great but the comments are GOL D. I love this community - its what truely keeps me insane....that and lack of sleep

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great chapter. I Can't wait to. Meet Nuxanor.


Only I know how much I am waiting for the next chapter.


Great chapter, especially the idea of stealing and then using Animakistan's flags. Btw Animak, are the chapters still going to come weekly or is it jut gona be random?


ironmouse should be the lady of the lake or something


Still waiting gor the crossover chapter with trash taste or lewd cast


Great chapter as always guys. I love this story but I have one single issue. What's up with Hiding? He's one of the best guests in the podcast and his reveal was really underwhelming. All the personality we got from him so far is that...he simps for Animak but somehow also tends to get on his nerves. I mean Hiding does get on Animak's nerves at times but I feel like the simping part is very different from the actual Hiding. Anyway I guess Sir Hyde's character will be more explored in the future along with his kink but we got from him so far seems strange to me P.S. It's kinda funny because today I've been listening to an older episode of Rant Café and in that ep Nux tells Hiding that he wouldn't stand for it if Animak roasted his character in the Light Novel.



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Omg i never laughed so hard listening to their read through of this chapter! It was amazing! I adore listening to their read throughs this story is so great, I love when i see the update notification!

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Can’t wait to see more!

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I finally caught up again. it's getting more interesting. can't wait to see Nux's kink


Great chapter lots of world building and is wong inspired by wing from hunter x hunter? Bit sad that the long awaited Lord Nuxanor didnt get revealed but i cant wait for the reveal im sure it will be Go D. Ly


Anyone else remember when this was released weekly


I really hope that Projekt Melody is the queen of Nuxturia


I shall forever remember this as the ''gang bang'' chapter. Superb voice acting in the read through and of course Sydsnap is a degenerate lol.


I'm surprised It's still night time when all of this happened. Is the measurement of time different in this world? Also, I fear for Birito....