
Comments of chapter undefined of Unsealing Emptiness


Ok, I see now. I hope Raven is more of her own character later and less of a trope (what other comments refer to as a “girl”, a cliche common in fiction that I’ve never run into in reality)


I kept thinking about this comment, so let me explain a bit. For example, sniffing someone else’s clothes for what seems to be no reason followed by stuttering denials when asked what they’re doing - trope. Another way this scene could’ve played out, the shirt actually smells like something and Raven sniffs it trying to figure out what the smell is. Of course, you’re free to write what you like. This is just some food for thought.


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I like how everyone just assumes that this novel will be the same as the others that they read and it will be cringy cliche love. Threatening the author about dropping the book literally does nothing. The Author didn't even pay attention to you. No one cares, just drop it


Grandma Coral is like us readers already knowing what’s going on which makes this so much more funnier 😁


It’s similar to Dororo in some ways


i hope it's more platonic, like she likes him then but slowly starts seeing him as a big brother. ik this is fiction so it's probably going to be cliche and she's going to be the love interest and stuff, I just don't see why there needs to be romantic subplot In these kinds of stories.


Something tells me that it will be the cliche female character that always seems in heat every time it comes to the MC, gives me an XD courage I will try to read a few more chapters but if that girl follows then I will leave it, the novel was good, I liked it very much but I can not with this change and it is very contradictory as the MC sees things , he is worth a peanut the life of others or whatever happens around him and out of nowhere cares about the girl who even saves her because as he will weigh on his mind Something tells me that it will be the cliche female character that always seems in heat every time it comes to the MC, gives me an XD courage I will try to read a few more chapters but if that girl follows then I will leave it, the novel was good, I liked it very much but I can not with this change and it is very contradictory as the MC sees things , he is worth a peanut the life of others or whatever happens around him and out of nowhere cares about the girl who even saves her because as he will weigh on his mind if Something tells me that it will be the cliche female character that always seems in heat every time it comes to the MC, gives me an XD courage I will try to read a few more chapters but if that girl follows then I will leave it, the novel was good, I liked it very much but I can not with this change and it is very contradictory as the MC sees things , he is worth a peanut the life of others or whatever happens around him and out of nowhere cares about the girl who even saves her because as he will weigh on his mind if he died


:| a little cringe, but u have to hav some cringe in every book. therwise, it be a dum dum bok dat way 2 perfect.


Thanks for the chapter!


Although I read it in translation ,most of the places are interesting . In short, I like it


Okay I can deal with this just dont let the girl go with him on his adventure after the stupid granny dies.




Be friendly, Ozul


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


Hay fever good to eyeing to happy to fain to lavalifrend you are anjoylaif you are butifull to Bay


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