
Comments of chapter undefined of D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad


But I don't want this story to end. It's so good, and it's one of the only slice of life that does the genre justice. Also, what about getting Kat to rank 8? I feel like if you ended the story on the final arc of the tournament it would be very unsatisfying. Same thing if you did a massive time skip. Lilly still needs to have her first night with Kat. We haven't gone back to Major and Minor in a long while. What has Sue been up to? There's definitely another pain Xiang is cooking up for Kat. Kat needs to complete her heartfelt contract with Grace for the fans. Silvie needs to pick what race she wants to be using Kat's Favour Token from D.E.M.O.N.S. I also guarantee that if you opened a KoFi (not Patreon, they take too large of a cut), plenty of people would donate to keep the book going. Webnovel has become a pretty scummy site for authors recently, so don't rely on them, believe that your readers will support you if you give them the ability to. This was the first thing I ever read on Webnovel, and it's what really sparked my love for webnovels. I really think you still have a massive audience, people are just not willing to spend a ton on a site that doesn't respect their authors.


Also, what about Kat's Desk from Chekov? We got Sylvie's and Lily's, but Chekov still hasn't finished Kat's yet. I really want to see that, and Kat needs to bring back more souvenirs to keep decorating her room.


that's too bad if you're readership is dropped I really like your story here so


It is nice to be back home sometimes, cause yeah some times we need a Acatioj to recover from the vacation


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


See this! I just gifted the story: Luxury car