
Comments of chapter undefined of Futanari System


Very nice

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Man. Now that I think about it. Adding on to the other idea I said here. I am hoping that "this" bunny kin with a good head on their shoulders is one of her "failure brothers" based on that idea conversation we had in your idea area. Especially if she can create a special bloodline from him that has the genetic ability to get pregnant after her future experiments are a success. This helping create a bloodline Branch for her daughters that are born with that "extra something" can have someone fun to play with and impregnate as a brother or husband. After bringing this very feminine husband into her harem.

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Hmmm. Maybe this "Bunny Kin" that is nameless at the moment to us could get some "well deserved"... "attention and affection 😘" from Chelsea. If their head is a "very very good one" on their shoulders. Hopefully they are a male with "that very special" kind of body and feminine clothing style. That could make for some "specific and special" kind of fun in Chelsea's harem. Possibly a secondary feminine husbandly kind character in the harem.