
Comments of chapter undefined of Stuck as a Dungeon Mob

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Writing is a hobby, sometimes a career, but it's not life. Your health is always more important, so stay safe, and if you have to miss some chapters I would think anyone would understand.

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Remember that your health is more important than writing and doing chapters. Just take care and get well soon.

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Agreed make sure to take care of yourself also that could have been a heart attack they were negligent there are side effects from the various vaccines. Heart attack is one another is stroke another is blood clots among others be careful and look up the known side effects from your vaccine. They do not like letting people know these highly dangerous side effects of these new and not well tested vaccines it's why not everyone knows about it. I found out while watching PBS News hour they covered it happening in Europe and how they were trying to justify the deaths over it vs people getting covid among other things since they didn't have the safest vaccines and where trying to hide the effects for as long as they could.

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That sounds serious. I hope you will get better soon. Get plenty of rest and avoid stress if possible. And honestly taking sick leave is every humans right, if you aint up to writing people will understand.

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It's ok if you take your time to rest before continuing to write more chapters.