
Comments of chapter undefined of Rise of the Unfavored Princess

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dear author, thank for the bonus chapter but please don't forget the next chapter this week. my heart was in my throat when I finished this chapter please please please send the next chapter faster I can't wait to read and see what will happen. will the sperm donor will punish our winter or will save her?

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Im so confused and What did i say hm i said somthing was up But oi author u cant just stop there, we readers are greedy for more hehe okay ” puss hej”

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I kind of want a confrontation between them. I understand why Augustus feels suspicious of her because she literally manipulated him by threatening to cut herself when they first interacted. But does he know that she was like running from assassins? Also wasn’t she poisoned like the first time she was brought into the family? (If I remember correctly.) They’re siblings but have grown up very differently, and Augustus is wrong to take a moral high ground against her, when he hasn’t even experienced half of what she has.

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