
Comments of chapter undefined of One Punch Of Justice

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what about Kuro? you just gonna let him kill Kaya? or will Luffy save her like in original? also, how do you expect Luffy to grow from adversity if you take all the action from him. Now Nami and Sanji have no reason to join the crew because the bad guys that ultimately led to their joining is now taken care of unless you plan to have different villains take the place


- Oops, my bad! I have no idea why the autocorrect decided to change Hancock's name and make her a guy. Sorry about that, I was totally distracted. I was actually going to fix my comment, but let's forget about it. That's just embarrassing. Hahaa. - So, in the novel, we're not really giving much attention to characters like Sanji, Usopp, and the gang. This timeline sees the deaths of characters such as Buggy, Arlong, Hancock, and a few others (can't mention their names, sorry). It's a parallel universe where the same One Piece characters exist, but with different personalities. Think of it like Rick and Morty, where you have multiple versions of Rick. - I'm really excited about the Celestial Dragon part! - Just remember, this novel is a translated Chinese version that introduces fresh events and improvements. - What if someone other than Luffy won against the villains? Just think about it.

southgamez:sorry but this didnt answer my question of did you let Kaya just die, or did Luffy rescue her like in the original and pick up Usopp? also you can have Saitama ride with Luffy to make sure he doesnt cause problems for Garp when he ultimately kills a Celestial Dragon for doing the type of villainy they are known to do

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The saitama need to eat hair hair no mi

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Bro this is rlly good

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It would seem that it's time to go to new world and I wanted to ask would tahini come with him, I mean it's saitama so I think not

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Thanks for the chapter.

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Good Chapter 👍