
Comments of chapter undefined of My Senior Brother is Too Steady


Ermahgerd such a long chapter! Such awesomeness! Hmmm it's a pity that Youqin didn't tell her descendants that Chan School was the reason their clan was almost extinguished back then... (sure it was Randeng but still) Hmph. Also daym based on past comments looks like Changshou will battle with Hong Jun near the end, so what will happen to the Grand Pure One?? Oh noes... I'm worried. Also also, heh finally Maitreya is dead. No future buddha~ at least from the West Camp. Hmmm furthermore, tsk Changshou and his politeness -- just trash talk Jie Yin already! You can just fake your anger again! Lol Btw, since this novel is about to end, can anyone recommend a good alchemy-influenced (alchemy-centered is good too but idk if there's really something like that in existence) novel for me? It would be great if the battle sequence doesn't involve foolish grandkids who summon up till their Ancestor's ancestors. Currently reading Paragon of Sin so yep something similar would be great.


Maybe give unrivaled medicine god a try.




Changshou wounding The Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning a little reminded me of Broxigar nicking Sargeras... Hmmm~ Also, too bad we didn't get to see the full force of the Four Immortal Vanquishing Swords Array, IET named each of them but also left readers to imagine the individual and combined might of the swords... Also also for some reason I think of Western fantasy swords when I imagine them... Even though they should totally be Eastern. Hmmm~


This will end at c747...